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Re-releasing Titanic

Jean Valjean


:kaukau: James Cameron updates a few minutes to look extra-high-definition, so naturally he's re-releasing it and hyping it up as being better than ever, even though most won't notice the difference. Judging by the trailers, he hasn't updates the effects at all. They hold up pretty well, but they're not quite on the same level as Gravity. You'd think that it would be fairly easy for that guy to update those effects shots when you see the whole ship, you know? I mean, he's James Cameron. I personally think that he should wait until he has some more Avatar money in his pockets and re-release the movie in five years, on the twenty-fifth anniversary of the film. I think that's more special than the twentieth, which to me seems arbitrary. But that's just me.


Don't get me wrong, I'll watch it anyway. I like it more than Avatar and want to eventually make more money over time and become the highest grossing film of all time again. What can I say? It's one of the most epic experiences that I have ever, and ever will, see in theatres. What do you guys think? Anyone else think that they might actually watch it? Or does the stupidity of it all get to you?




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Never seen it, don't really have any plans to, but...


Yo Titanic I'm really happy for ya and I'mma let ya finish, but the Lusitania had the best sinking of all time!  Of all time!

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