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At Wit's End



Before you read this, I want you to know that I have practically sweated blood to bring you this entry. My siblings logged me off my account not once, but three freaking times. Needless to say, I'm getting tired to having to re-type everything. if I get a BM when I post this, I shall start breaking things.

Anywhoo, the local theater had an advance showing of a certain piratey film tonight, and...


SPILERS AHEAD :o :o :o leik zomgoshness!!!!!11

















...I didn't see it. Partly because I had to siblingsit, partly because I don't think it'll be as good as Spidey 3 and thus not worth waiting-in-line-1.5-hours-for, and partly because the friends I'm planning to see it with were unavailable tonight. So I'll just bide my time and, while I wait, I shall post the second creation in my ANFSCD-exclusive MOC trio, Skirdox.


Despite being a member of Takadox's species, Skirdox is actually an Advance Scout/Sniper in Ehlek's army. He is skilled in the setting of traps, and his accuracy is phenomenal. In addition to his claws, he has a pair of reversible blades on his forearms.

His armor is fitted with technology that increases his strength and gives him limited flight capabilities. His sniper rifle and most of his backstory and powers were designed by my cousin. Gallery is here.




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It was worth it. I didn't even have to wait. I got to the theatre about 10 minutes before it started, and there was no line-up and there were front row seats.


I feel truly sorry for you if you didn't watch it, because it's the only movie I've seen that's better than LotR.



My two cents,



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I have no idea when I'm going to see it. (did you know that "At Wit's End" is the track title on the soundtrack? (That's probably why you did that, hmm....))


Love the MOC, most notably the arm blades. I just might have to use that....

The legs seem a little simple, but I guess that's due to his lack of pieces. I think those would look better with more armor though.

Back looks good, with tail!



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AAAAAH coinkydink!

I haven't even seen the soundtrack; I just thought the title fit well since it described my state of mind and had two of the words from the movie's title in it... :fear:





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What a lovely movie! I saw the second showing (8:30[how odd it is that the first showing was at eight? Very odd]) and we didn't have to wait in line at all. We got nice seats... and we only got there 30 minutes early. Or so.

I saw it again yesterday...

You need to see Pirates more than once... so confusing... well, not really, but you pick up on more.

I likes the MOC. Good colors... nice-ish gun... great for limited pieces.


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