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Okay, I have nothing to talk about, even though I swear I had something to say five minutes ago.


Uh... let's see...


I really have to work myself to death getting that chapter of MR and my new avatar done in time for May 29th (three-year day for me). I finished both pieces of art I'm going to do, but may I say quite frankly that the scanner must die? Sure, when I scanned my sun/moon piece it was beautiful but come ON, it does NOT pick up the subtle near-white shades at ALL. And since Lyg is blue, white, and gold, I had to take a photograph because the scanner screws up the very light grays and Lyg looks like he had whitewash dumped on his upper half or something. All the colors are messed up.


Which if I remember correctly was one of the things I wanted to remember to rant about. Scanners not picking up subtler shades. WHY? If a camera can do it, so can a scanner! Gosh.


I may or may not photo the second one, since most of it was passable (it's generally lineart) but the shadowy figures in the back came out so HORRIBLY...


Oh, and the BBC contest. Congrats to Roa! I made fourth by a hair.


Kinda funny how this time in the final poll entry 1 came in 1st, entry 2 came in 2nd, and so on, for all of the entries? I was entry four, and came in fourth. Really weird, no?


What else?


Uh, books. Yeah. But I think I covered that mostly. I've just read the first two His Dark Materials books. I need to get a proper list of what people on here have suggested to me, then go to the library.


OH YEAH that's something else I was thinking of writing an entry about. Golden Compass movie this December. I watched the trailer. Sooooo excited. :happydance: I hope they get it right. From what I saw it looked good. I like the way they did Iorek's armor, pretty dang nice. I imagined Lee rather younger but the movie portrayal is still great, definitely captured the character. Lord Asriel, too... not how I generally saw him in my mind. Philip Pullman himself endorsed the girl they chose for Lyra, so I'm not worried about that... and the short scene with Pantalaimon transforming looked really cool.


Unfortunately I was uncertain about whether I'd like the books so I only borrowed Golden Compass (Northern Lights) and Subtle Knife, so once I finish my current load I'll be off to get Amber Spyglass.


Speaking of books, I reaaaaaally wanna read the final New Prophecy Warriors book. Read the beginning at B&N but I didn't have time to finish, and it'd be more convenient if the library got it, since it's most uncomfortable to read whilst squatting on the flood in a bookstore.


And speaking of movies, all three thirds from this month have been released, and I haven't seen a single one. *sigh* cursed school and approaching finals.


Which brings me to another point. SO many people get off school in May, I gotta wait till, like, June 19th or something. *sigh* again.


Also, I'm reading Johnny and the Bomb. Just a funny scene I liked. The book involves time travel (I wouldn't call that a spoiler, it's introduced almost immediately) and the kids that are the main characters are discussing it, and considering who we're talking about... they have interesting discussions.


So one of them is like: "Wouldn't it be cool to have time police or something? You could just go back in time and find Adolf Hitler and then get a gun and BANG! End of problem."

And another says, "Well, what if you accidentally shot your grandfather?"

"Naw, my grandfather looks nothing like Adolf Hitler."


Time paradoxes apparently cannot be understood by such a group of people XD.


... anyway I can't figure out what else--




We have a take-home portion of the final, which is 20% of our final grade. You'd think, oh not bad, but it consists of something like NINETY open-ended (non-multiple choice) questions, and you have to HAND-WRITE IT. No typing, because our teacher is absolutely paranoid of cheating. I mean, come ON! I'm already on the third sheet of looseleaf and I've only done up to question 31!




Oh, and I'm entering a Star Ledger art contest. Yay. It's taking a LONG time.


That's about it.


Thank you for hearing my random rambling. =3


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Recommended Comments

1. Go check my list in your "Valu eof Being Well Read" entry.

2. Read The New Prophecy already! The first book of The Power of Three - the third series- is already out. :P

3. Yeah. I read nothin' else. :P

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