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So, What's Coming Up?

Cap'n Ikki


So, after watching At World's End, Pirates of the Caribbean has replaced BIONICLE as my favorite fictive universe. Not to say my interest in BIONICLE is wading, quite the contrary; I feel this year's story and sets has bought back a lot of the creativity, mood, and potential that I was sorely missing in 2006. Especially the underwater-themed series of 2007 -- BIONICLE, Aqua Raiders -- gives room for a vast amount of MOCing / building when having just recently watched the Flying Dutchman's sea creature crew. Already I miss the LEGO Pirates series of yesteryear, but thankfully several of the best -- Red Beard Runner, Enchanted Island, and Armada Flagship, just to mention a few, are in my posession. Watching AWE deeply inspired me to start playing around with some of these old sets, and who knows, I may just be able to gain a few more through lucky means!


But enough of LEGO; exams are coming up this June, and with Danish, English, German, and Chemistry -- the latter taking place June 21, my birthday! -- I am not too worried. I will need to read over a lot of the subjects we have worked with this year, and try to form some sort of coherent understand, but I got a month for that. Last three school days of this year are quite absurd -- three hours Wednesday and Thursday, and one hour Friday. But hey, why not, when we aren't really doing anything too important these last days, I may as well just be there to give a proper goodbye to the friends I won't be seeing again until August. Need to finish my last speck of homework, as well, which is a math assignment. I'll work it in somewhere, somehow.


Back to the subject of Pirates, I definitely need to watch AWE again, and as soon as at all possible -- hopefully, this Saturday. You'll miss some of the big picture when seeing it the first time, and there are some details I'd like to get cleared up -- and of course, it's just plain awesome! Barbossa really steals the picture (as well as some maps), Jack is at his best, maddeningly, cunningly, and heroicly.If you have not seen this one yet, or worse, have not seen any POTC movie, ever, go do so the second you get the chance. There never was a pirate like Captain Jack Sparrow, and there never was a trilogy like POTC. And of course, who would willingly miss Keith Richards starring as Captain Teague, Jack's father?!


Ah well, hoping it see it again at first coming chance; and someday, I'll need to get my hands on a bottle of that Tortuga Rum -- see previous entry for that. But currently, I'm just thoroughly enjoying the AWE soundtrack. With tracks like Up Is Down, What Shall We Die For, and Drink Up Me Hearties, it'll stick in your heart as long as you live!




Beckett: "And you can do all that?"

Jack: "You may threaten me, but you may never insult me! Who am I?

(Beckett looks confused)

Jack: "... 'm Cap'n Jack Sparrow!"


(Booya, Tesseract :P )




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