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Guys, Let's Talk.

Dr. Bionicle


This is basically for guys. Girls, sorry, but I kind of have the advantage of being the same gender as the guys, so it's much easier for me to get where they're coming from. And the perspectives here are two totally different ones, really.


So yeah, guys.


You're going to/have reached a point where you start liking girls. Some of you may think this is weird still, some of you have probably been liking girls for a long time now, some of you are older than me and are thinking "What's this guy ranting about?", so just hear me out. I'm doing my best to speak to a good range of people here. Also know that I'm speaking from multiple viewpoints, some which are older and some which are younger than myself.


First of all, those of you who still don't like girls, guys, you're going to. Yeah, I know, it may seem really weird, but it's going to happen. I could give you the whole biological lowdown on it, but the basic point is: It's inevitable. Some of you may hold out longer than others, but it's going to happen.


Trust me, it's nothing to be ashamed of. Really. No, seriously, join the club. If your friends still don't like girls and you do, then just wait. Eventually, it'll get to the point where you're all comfortable with it. And once you all are, believe me, you're going to talk about it a lot. So don't feel ashamed of it. It may feel weird, but that's basically natural. I mean, it's a new experience, right? We tend to feel weird about stuff like this, particularly us as guys, because we feel we have a certain obligation to be masculine.


So if you've just started liking girls, don't feel like it's going to go away. The awkwardness will go away eventually, but you're just starting, man. Girls are going to be a serious mental nag. You're going to develop crushes, some bigger than others, and as you get older, things start happening.


You may start feeling more awkward around girls (or the particular girl that you like), possibly girls that you never had trouble talking to or maybe never talked to before. That's OK, really. It just means that you're not really sure how to respond yet. And how could you? Like I said, it's a new experience, and we tend to be tentative or cautious about new situations (unless you're a daredevil, in which case, hoo boy).


Oh, and before I go any further, let me tell you exactly what a crush is. A crush is basically an infatuation with another person of the opposite gender (for us, a girl). In short, a crush is where you like someone "from a distance". Basically, you just like them because you've observed them and something about them attracts you. As you get older, you may experience some more personal crushes, as in girls that are maybe your good friends, but usually you start with some distant crushes. It's a pretty nice way to start, since generally, these don't hurt anybody.


Guys, let me just tell you right now, a crush is generally 99% you. In other words, you're the single source of your own crush. Since a crush is generally private (till you hit Junior High/Middle School, in which case, it's generally considered public scandal :P ), you can rarely be swayed in who your crush is. I mean, unless your friend tells you that they feed on human flesh or something, generally you make your own decisions on the matter.


And be warned, crushes can be delusional. You can take some things way too seriously or way too lightly under the influence of a crush (oh great, now I sound like a PSA). Seriously, though. If you invite her and some of her friends to a party, and she says 'No', she's probably not rejecting you directly, she probably just doesn't want to go. But still, something in the back of your mind makes a transfer, and you just kind of assume, "Oh, she's not interested. Dang!" That's a pretty calm mindset (I've seen worse), but still delusional. So just don't assume. You'll save yourself a lot of face that way.


Okay, here's one big thing I wanted to hit on. Guys, sometimes you'll try to act different around your crush. There are multiple reasons for this. Maybe you think that being yourself isn't good enough, maybe you just don't know what to do, heck, maybe you want to stave her off. Whatever it is, look out. Don't do anything stupid like...

  • Start acting like a total foulmouth when you really aren't
  • Try to be the unsaid BMOC
  • Brag about yourself all the time
  • Act all flirty (Oh, gosh, you have no idea how bad this looks... ><)
  • Try to deliberately act like a "jock" (AKA a person who generally is just mean, in the stereotypical sense)
  • Put down everyone around you
  • Be a totally spontaneous spaz
Just a few generic things. Guys, seriously, this isn't even to assume that you want to attract her, just to save your own self. If you start doing this, it becomes fairly obvious why, and you'll most likely get heat for it.


And guys, a few other things, especially around girls you know...

  • Don't treat her like just another guy. Really. While it may feel more natural, you have to remember she is a girl, and as such, that has to be respected. That means don't tell her your gross jokes, don't start making weird sounds with your armpit, that stuff.

  • Don't give her all the attention all the time. Geez, guys, for people who generally like to keep this stuff secret, we sure stink at doing it. It's pretty obvious when you like someone if you're constantly talkign directly to them, regardless of who's speaking, and constantly looking at them. That doesn't mean you shouldn't give her attention, but seriously, if there are other people around, a little acknowledgment will not hurt.

  • Don't try to bring up romantics. It gets pretty obvious when a guy's in C-Mode (aka Crush Mode) when he starts bringing up romance. If you wouldn't do it normally, good grief, don't do it now! You'll be getting weird looks for the rest of the day.



Now, a lot of you are probably at the point where you want to "ask her out". Now, few people realize what responsibility those three words hold. Guys, remember, that when you commit to being someone's "boyfriend", it is a commitment. That means you've got to be the boyfriend. You've got to pay special attention to her, stand up for her, all that. So if you think dating or being a couple is just about getting your arm up around her shoulder in the movie theater, you've got a lot to learn.


You need to really be serious if you want to ask a girl out. Guys, seriously. I really don't care too much for these "relationships" I hear about that go on in 4th Grade, because generally it contends to the fact that neither is very serious about it. I'd at least wait beyond 7th Grade. The youngest serious relationships I see going on are in the 8th Grade, but these are still some special people we're talking about.


Remember, only ask out a girl when you are sure that you can handle that situation of being her boyfriend.


Yeah, some of you are probably thinking "Uh...OK?", right?


Well, trust me, if you don't find it out here, you'll find it out on your own time or from others.


Anyway, considering that you are actually ready for this kind of thing, guys, make sure you check your intentions before trying anything. Honestly, make sure that you...

  • Aren't just wanting to go out with her because all your other friends have girlfriends. Being in a relationship is about you and her, not about other people. So if you start something around that basis, you can bet that it will probably crash to the ground.
  • Aren't just asking her out because everyone says you should. Some people seem perfect for each other in theory, then end up being a mess in experiment. If you feel nothing, then don't listen to the masses.
  • Aren't just asking her out to say you've asked out a girl. Dating isn't about getting a reputation, guys. It's about two people in a relationship that goes beyond friendship. So please don't make this mistake like so many others!
  • Aren't just asking her to make someone else jealous. Yeah, sounds right out of a soap opera doesn't it? But believe me, the teenage mind works in mysterious ways, and you really have to double-check your motive. More than once, have I caught my friends doing this, and for the most part, they didn't even realize it.
  • Aren't just asking her out because you're bored. Guys, relationships are scary things, and they shouldn't be based off of whims.
  • Aren't just asking her out as a joke/because someone dared you to. That's low. Period.
  • Aren't just asking her out because you're lonely. That's what friends are for, and I think it's good to experiment with friends before you try to move onto a real relationship.


Guys, the number one reason you should be asking her out is because you want to and think you're ready. If that's not it, check yourself. Your motives are not limited to this list, but if your intention isn't your own, then you need to do some seriously soul-searching.


No, I'm not going to give you tips on how to score a date or how to be a wonderful boyfriend or any of that. Yeah, I know, you can start breathing again. Guys, I'm not trying to be Dr. Love or anything of that sort, because really I'm not. I just want to alert you to what's going on here.


If you haven't figured it out yet, to us guys, girls are the most confusing thing in the world. We really just don't get them, so the concept of possibly wanting to date one is freaky. I hope that somewhere in this little rant of mine, you've picked up something, and if you haven't, then hopefully you will someday.


And anyway, that's all I really wanted to say.




Dr. Bionicle


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... That was your best blog entry EVAH. XD


Really. Not just because of the humor. Good advice.


I think the girls should get the next entry... :P

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Excellent entry Doc. Truly. Alot of my friends should read this, however is I told them to get girlfriend advice from a Bionicle Website Blog... *cough*


Anyway, I seem to be immune to most of these problems... what -my- problem is, well, I'm too respecvtful and nice. Weird, right? But instead of girlfriends I make friends. And everyone else thinks "Friend + Opposite Gender = Girl/Boyfriend". Not so. Heck, I'm so oblivious and conservative (not a word generally used to described me) that if a girl was openly flirting with me I wouldn't even know it. ><


For your next How To you should do "How To Be a Good Boyfriend". :P, joking.

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I think the girls should get the next entry... :P

I actually considered doing a sort of reverse of this, pertaining to girls as to how we act and some of our motives and ideas.


...for about five seconds.


Problems... not enough of a crowd (sorry, ladies, but you have to admit that you're greatly outnumbered here), and it'd basically sound weird coming from me. Just like guys like to hear about things from other guys, girls generally like to hear about things of this sort from other girls.


So yeah, probably not. :P


But instead of girlfriends I make friends. And everyone else thinks "Friend + Opposite Gender = Girl/Boyfriend". Not so. Heck, I'm so oblivious and conservative (not a word generally used to described me) that if a girl was openly flirting with me I wouldn't even know it. ><

Dude, you are not alone.


The claim of friend = girlfriend is pretty common. I think it works out this way, though, in my own observation.


As guys get older, we do one of two things. One, we cling to our buds (aka Guys) and try to tackle this whole relationship thing as a team. Or two, we start making friends (or at least more friends) that are girls.


The latter, I think, is tied to a bunch of factors. For one thing, some guys simply mature faster, and in such, might find it easier to find someone of their maturity in a girl ('Cause in case you haven't figured it out, girls basically got us beat in the maturity factor, for the most part). Another thing is that maybe he just wants to explore, wants to find out what girls are like in friendships so as to give him some depth in a relationship. There are other things, but these two I see playing out the most.


And man, there are some of us that are simply oblivious, but generally it's not so much that we're non-observant, but that we don't factor ourselves in.


For instance, if a girl was openly flirting with my best friend and he didn't know it, I'd tell him. It's much easier to recognize someone else flirting with someone else. But when it happens to us, we have the mental disadvantage of ruling ourselves out. In other words, we disqualify ourselves, and so we just remain indifferent to this kind of thing.


At least, that's what I've gathered.



Thanks for the comments, guys.


^_^ Dr. B ^_^



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I so totally agree that middle, junior school, that crushes are public and scandal. :P I mean it's so is. :D


But yeah, I like someone that's like my friend so yeah. I've already joined that club when I was 7. :P


And when I was smaller, I did some of those stupid things, wish you have put this earlier. :P J/K



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(Not only that, but the poor Doctor would get badly busted if he gets a touchy point wrong with us gals. Spare him this once. ;) )


I know where this is running. Yes, girls out of the way for this one, but I just had to comment.


The dudes in my course aren't the most girl-sensitive people, and I think a few of them need a good bonk on the head with this in hardcopy. What you said was good advice, emphasizing on the need to stay calm and normal - instead of doing anything out of the ordinary in front of her.


And no, this is not because I'm taken, or anything of the sort. We all have eyes and see what happens when a guy tries to get the girl. I don't intend to date - yet - but this is sensible advice to ANY gender: It's normal, it's fine, it just needs you to be calm and assured of yourself.


Hee hee - though, Dr. B, I dare ask what sparked off the blog post.



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(Not only that, but the poor Doctor would get badly busted if he gets a touchy point wrong with us gals. Spare him this once. ;) )

Boy, you know that's the truth. ><


Hee hee - though, Dr. B, I dare ask what sparked off the blog post.

Heh. I wondered if that would come up. I guess it's just in observation of the guys and girls around me, that it seems to be a pretty important issue. Since my rants rarely sound so good verbally, I figured I might as well vent it here, since I know that a lot of the guys here are going through it.


So a lot of this is just personal observation (and experience).



^_^ Dr. B ^_^


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Hmmm very good advice. The majority of my class at school like girls now, the rest are considered 'strange'. Thankfully i'm one of the ones interested in girls :D At the moment i have a Girlfriend (A proper one :P ). Girls are so mysterious, but they make us guys sooo happy...

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Yeah the whole Junior High/Middle School is so true for me exept for the fact I'm english and we have Secondary school instead of Junior High/Middle School but they are basicly the same thing.Anyways I remember once last year in my first year at secondary school I had a crush on someone and seeing as the kids at my school are experts at rooting out crushes the next two weeks were really awkward for me <_< .



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Yeah the whole Junior High/Middle School is so true for me exept for the fact I'm english and we have Secondary school instead of Junior High/Middle School but they are basicly the same thing.Anyways I remember once last year in my first year at secondary school I had a crush on someone and seeing as the kids at my school are experts at rooting out crushes the next two weeks were really awkward for me <_< .



It's not too bad, as long as the other girl likes you :P . Strangely my school is an all boy's school, but the girl's school is right next door :) I think English kids are the best at rooting out crushes :lol: (I'm English too)...


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If you are under 17, you are not ready to be in a relationship. No exceptions.


That is why it is better to be casual friends with a girl you like with no romantic connotations. Do not label yourselves as boyfriend/girlfriend, because no matter how fully you believe that you are the exception, you are not.

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Good blog, good blog. I know a lot of guys who need to hear this. The thing I disagree with you on, though, is that I think relationships before 9th grade are rediculous, and I think 11th grade is realistically the more appropriate time to start dating.



Just my 2 cents.


--==DoF==-- *been heartbroken before, and I mean the real kind, not your pathetic middle-schooler 'heartbroken'*

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and now to quote the good doctor "Maybe I'll take time researching the other great mystery of this universe... woman."

I've known alot (not all) of this stuff for a long time. Great advice for most of our gender though.

This is coming from a guy who's been making friends with girls ince 1'st grade (and sufferd the concequences :P )

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