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For those (few, I'm sure) who care, the following entry contains spoilers for the recently released Star Wars: Legacy of the Force: Sacrifice novel.


You have been warned.


(Also, for those of you who will read the book, and don't want spoilers, I advise you not to open to the last page in the book. Unlike most Legacy books, there's no 'sneak peek!' of the next one. The last page of the book is the last page of the novel. And the last line is the revealing of Jacen's Sith name. So if you want to get it good, DO NOT OPEN THE BACK COVER.












So, Jacen Solo is a lucky man. Because if he wasn't a fictional character, I'd friggin' kill him. Not only was Mara's death cheap, but the fact that she died at all just really, really, really makes me mad.


I've come to the point where I'm actually glad it was Anakin Solo who died in Star by Star (the most traumatizing SW novel moment I've ever had, as my first SW books and my first entry into the SW EU were the Junior Jedi books when I was in second grade, of which Anakin Solo was the hero). The original plan according to Del Rey was to have Jacen die, and Anakin become the hero of the series, but the Lucas literary department decided that having an Anakin as the hero would confuse readers (a fact that made me mad back then, but happy now). I'm now glad Anakin died, for if he hadn't, it'd be Anakin I'd hate right now, and I will never hate him. He'll always hold a special place in my heart (:wub:).




But seriously seriously. I hope Ben is the one who gets to take Jacen down in the end. Either that, or Fett.


So. Very. Frustrated.


Too. Much. Emotional. Involvement. In. A. Fictional. World.


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I vaguely read one of the books, many years ago, and didn't like it. I hardly like any books, actually.


Yes, I'm a fool.


But DV, getting too involved with books is fine, right? As we'd say in Media, they give you pretty much everything in the the uses and gratifications theory.


I took Media. I'm an even bigger fool.



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Yay Caedus. ^_^

Lol, I actually like this. But anywho, a question for you DV. I've been thinkin' of reading some of the SW books. (Ever since the staff SW thing a couple months back, in which I "was" Jacen, I've been very interested in the EU of SW...) This one in particular. However, do I really need to read some other books beforehand? Or would knowledge gathered from this wonderful thing called the internet be sufficient?

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Yay Caedus. ^_^

Lol, I actually like this. But anywho, a question for you DV. I've been thinkin' of reading some of the SW books. (Ever since the staff SW thing a couple months back, in which I "was" Jacen, I've been very interested in the EU of SW...) This one in particular. However, do I really need to read some other books beforehand? Or would knowledge gathered from this wonderful thing called the internet be sufficient?

If you're going to start in the EU, disregard everything Bantam ever put out. And if Jacen is your reason for being interested, start with the NJO, then move to the Dark Nest Crisis books, then the Legacy books. They go in that order, and picking up any of them leads to a wonderful time line in the front of the book that tells you what order they all go in.


Don't, under any circumstances, read 'Darksaber' or 'Crystal Star'. These books are the epitome of Mary Sue awfulness.


DO read 'I, Jedi' and the X-Wing novels. Corran Horn is the man.



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I've always thought that the best fictional characters are the ones that you really, truly hate with a passion.


- :burnmad: :burnmad: :burnmad:

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Lol, I actually like this. But anywho, a question for you DV. I've been thinkin' of reading some of the SW books. (Ever since the staff SW thing a couple months back, in which I "was" Jacen, I've been very interested in the EU of SW...) This one in particular. However, do I really need to read some other books beforehand? Or would knowledge gathered from this wonderful thing called the internet be sufficient?

If you're going to start in the EU, disregard everything Bantam ever put out. And if Jacen is your reason for being interested, start with the NJO, then move to the Dark Nest Crisis books, then the Legacy books. They go in that order, and picking up any of them leads to a wonderful time line in the front of the book that tells you what order they all go in.


Don't, under any circumstances, read 'Darksaber' or 'Crystal Star'. These books are the epitome of Mary Sue awfulness.


DO read 'I, Jedi' and the X-Wing novels. Corran Horn is the man.




Wich books are the Bantam books? I've been wanting to buy some expanded universe books since I have most of my current Star wars knowledge from Internet, Video games, and skimming a couple books.


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