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Crisis In Dokkyland



Last night I'm on AIM with this girl I like (who possibly likes me) and we start doing this thing where we take turns asking each other random questions (which sparks conversation--otherwise, our chat consists of, "Wussup?" "NMU?" "NM."). So she gets the crazy idea of asking what my favorite eye color is on girls.


The little CTU agents running around inside my head went into Red Alert. My face froze into a perpetual oofo. The obvious correct answer to this question would be to say [insert color of her eyes] is my favorite. But I couldn't remember what color her eyes were.


So I stalled as I contemplated what to do. This is usually acheived by a simple *thinks* tag. I looked at a photo with her in it I had in my room. Couldn't tell. I asked my friend. She didn't know. Finally, my genius kicked into action.


I remembered she had some photo-uploading account somewhere, but I couldn't remember where. I guessed Photobucket, which proved correct. I typed in her login details (which I knew from having attempted to do some web design for her earlier), and was rewarded with several high-def photos showing off her big ol' blue eyes.


Immediately, I switched to the AIM window and pounded the word "BLUE" onto the keyboard.


She responded by asking me who I had pictured them on.


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You should have just said "I don't really have a favorite." No need to panic like you did.


"Don't Panic"

:vahi: Aanchir: Rachira of Time

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Own't. Ouch. Just say, 'I don't know.' It works for me all the time. But I'm super-ADD and that's my excuse, since I'm just random most of the time.


Sorry, to hear it all, Doks, but good luck on adding a coat of plaster to your relationship.


EDIT: Cheesy picture time! Woots:

IPB Image

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Wait, serious comment:


Why couldn't you have said "You"?

Didn't want to freak her out. She knows a lot of weird stalker guys, and I'm just about the only guy that she talks to a lot that isn't obsessed with her (visibly :P).

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Wait, serious comment:


Why couldn't you have said "You"?

Didn't want to freak her out. She knows a lot of weird stalker guys, and I'm just about the only guy that she talks to a lot that isn't obsessed with her (visibly :P).

Point well made.




Would've been awkward.

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Is she Happy Happy Joy Joy, or is it someone else?

Someone else. But I am IMing with HHJJ as we speak. :P

ZOMG PLAYA!!11!!1! :P


But serously, how are you going to decide between them?

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Wow, I only like one person, and I think she likes me. Glad this isn't happening.

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I think I'm in some sort of love rhombus, or a trapizium. Maybe a five-sided kite.

Maybe it's a circle. A circle... of love.

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