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I watched Terminator 3 with my dad last night. We had fun watching it, and laughed at the funny parts. It was nice to watch it with him. I had to get my homework done to watch it with him, also.


Today at school, my day was alright. I had math first class, but the double period was cut short by about thirty minutes when we went to the auditorium for certain people to talk about these photos we took with objects or concepts beginning with a certain letter. I was one of those people. My letter that I had gotten was 'M', so I came up with 'Manmade', and for the photo I held up one of my huge shoes next to my head.


Then I had the dull spectacle of English. Urgh. Not quite fun at all in any semblance or way.


Then, lunch. It was a weird Mexican cuisine themed one, and there were paper place mats put on all the cafeteria tables. The lunch period was extended, and we went in late. We went in, however, to the auditorium once more, to watch a movie. We saw Invincible, which was okay but isn't really that superb. I sat in the back, and the guys near me were chatting a lot. I made jokes to a friend of mine next to me through the movie, and it was an okay experience.


Then, we were sent to last period classes, though we just had about fifteen minutes left of them... I idly passed my time... I considered staying after school, but my mom was going to be too busy to pick me up...


I took the bus home, and my friend (who's also my neighbor) came over to my house, and we worked on some old comic concepts for a while. That was great... It seems like just last year that we'd come up with those concepts, yet here we are now, you know? Anyways, we chatted, had some sodas, and drew, and then we got to talking about Terminator, and he asked if we could watch Terminator 3, so I put in the DVD so we could watch, though first I showed him the 'Sgt. Candy' deleted scene. However, when he mentioned that he had never seen the original Terminator, I rushed to get the DVD and took out the T3 DVD, and put the T1 DVD in and we watched a big part of it. I explained a lot of things to him, and our watching was interrupted when he had to go back home for something. But we'll resume it tomorrow or Sunday, maybe. It was awesome watching it with him.


Attention: I made a topic for my POTC themed "I think we're alone now" parody, called "I think we're just bones now". Go check it out. Now.

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Seems like you had an MST3K experience with Invincible............I had to watch Barefoot in the Park............I was quipping and making snappy comments like there was no tomorrow!

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