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Gufhznnwrkhuh? *snufflesnortsnk-k-k-k-honk*



I am sick. Really sick. Unbelievably sick, even. So sick that I accidentally republished the Humphrey contest entry without meaning to. So sick that I was up for approximately 2/5 of last night with a fever and a killer migraine. So sick that my brain hurts whenever I turn my head even a little bit. So sick that my eyeballs feel like they're being forced out of my orbital sockets by the sheer weight of the phlegm in my sinuses. So sick that the Peruvian Kleenex farms are expected to exceed their sales target by over 230% over the next few days. So sick that I can't remember or think of anything to blog about except for how sick I am.








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You're well enough to blog....

I'm always well enough to blog. I suspect that I'd be well enough to blog even if I had recently undergone a colonoscopy conducted by a ferret with a Roto-Rooter.


That must be terrible. :annoyed2: I feel so sorry for you.


I hope you get better quickly!




I do feel much better today, thanks.

You're not even on MSN, you must be sick. Poor you. :(



But I'm, like, never on MSN anyway...





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