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Ever Done It Before?



Well, I don't feel like making two entries for this, so before I get into the bigger portion a bit of news that gets categorized under "Life."


Took the Math II SAT II today. I was absolutely stressed and the allergies... my right eye wouldn't stop involuntarily twitching... my fingers were shaking, my arm was aching... I finished in time to catch not a single mistake. Hopefully that means I got mostly everything right and not that I missed everything I got wrong...


It wasn't really that bad, all said, but still... very stressful.




This week my mom's on a buisness trip, and yesterday my dad was off taking my sister somewhere, leaving me at home to force my way through English homework.


It had been a really hot day all day, so my dad left the car windows rolled down. But then it started raining.


So he called home and told me "Get the car keys, start the car, and roll the windows up, or it'll get wet inside."


It isn't really that exciting, but for some reason just turning that key and hearing the engine go "v-v-v-MRRRRRR..." was quite exciting. I'm easily amused. But I've never started a car before. =D


So that made me sort of wonder...


Have you ever...

--been in a car not just to ride as a passenger, before you're technically old enough? That is to say, maybe your parents let you back it down the driveway, or, as was my case, you had to do something to the car that required starting it but not actually driving it? Ever put it into gear, maybe?

--seen a burning car? I've seen one, from a distance, just driving by. The flames are smaller than you see in the movies. It's not a massive fireball, it's just hundreds of relatively small, say, fireplace-sized flames, completely covering the car. Very orange.

--seen a burning house? I have, twice. Once from quite far away, so it was just smoke. Once, closer, it was only a street down, but by the tiem I got there it was just smoldering.

--held your eyes open while you sneezed? Me being me, and placing a slightly higher value on my eyes, I never have, but I've known a couple people who have. They said that your eyes don't REALLY pop out, it just sorta feels odd.

--seen lots of police cars on your street or nearby? Sure have. Not often, but now and then there's some incident and you end up with five cars. Never seen actual police tape though.

--damaged a library book or school textbook? I think I got water on a page of one of my English books but.. ah... it'll get flattened out, no problem, it was in the middle of the book. ^^; And maybe torn a corner or two in other books, but that's mostly when I'm tring to unfold a dog-eared page. Really.

--put something in your eye by accident? I almost got a drop of lens cleaner solution in my eye; I grabbed the wrong bottle. Some still got in even though I squeezed my eye shut as soon as I saw the red tip, see, a drop was already falling. But I got my eye all properly rinsed out so that's okay.


Eh, can't think of any more.


Oh, I'm switching comps with my dad again (he says I need the speed more than he does).


I now positively despise Windows.


It won't let me move certain PSD files. It insists on calling GIF images "Paint Shop Pro XI Files," even when I try to change the default settings. It worked for JPEGs (originally, what was it, Snapfire files?) PNGs (I don't even remember) but some files... I can't even tell what they're supposed to be! WHAT IS THE POINT OF ASSIGNING EACH FILETYPE A PROGRAM? I WANT TO KNOW IF IT'S GIF, JPEG, PNG, NOT THAT IT OPENS BY DEFAULT IN PAINT SHOP PRO. Why even open it default in there either? I don't want to edit them, otherwise I'd right-click-open-in-Photoshop. Knowing if it's a GIF or a JPEG is MUCH MORE USEFUL than knowing that Windows thinks you should use such and such to open it.


And what'd it do to the files if I unistalled PSP eh? Geez.


And trying to copy my favorites over to the new IE... nrrrrrgh... it's SO STUPID. GAHGHALGKJADLKFWOIERULSKJFLKAJ.






WHY!? And where the HECK did the menus go? WHY do I have to hit alt-F if I want file?


It's like they got rid of functionality and replaced it with pretty graphics. It seems to me that every other second I'm saying "It worked fine on the old computer!"


IPB Image


Recommended Comments

1) No (unfortunatley)

2) No, but my Grandad's car got stolen and burned out.

3) No, but I have seen one smouldering.

4) No

5) Yes. Normally on motorway accidents, and a neighbour had 3 cops banging on his door calling him out. And a friend's next-door neighbour's had a drugs raid.

6) Yes. Almost all the while. So now I don't borrow books.

7) No.

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1) In the past, yes, but I'm technically old enough now. :P

2) Yes.

3) Yes.

4) No, I don't think so.

5) Yes.

6) Yes.

7) Yes. Hair conditioner. It buuuuurns ussss. O<



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Yes to pretty much everything except the sneezing-with-eyes-open and Math-SAT-II-taking-thing.





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