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Ninja Comp



Now that all the plugins and such are installed, got a printer properly connected (I washed the dishes in exchange for my dad figuring out the printer. I think I got the better end of the deal), got Flash, quicktime, Firefox, haven't gotten AIM or YIM installed yet but I'm using one of them online IM thingies... anyway, now that I got it all mostly comfortable, same old wallpaper, all my files from the old comp... I gotta say, it's scary. Before if I left the comp on late at night my parents couldn't get to sleep.


But now, I spent an hour typing an English project, and the computer was still on when my mom came home, and she's like "What were you doing? Your backpack's not open and the computer's not on."


It's SO FREAKILY QUIET. The other one, the fan was just going VMMMMMM all the time, this one, you have to strain to hear the quiet "mmmmm..." My typing right now is drowning it out. If it's running a relatively strenuous task, you might hear those little "ng-g-g-g" things, but otherwise, this is like... a ninja comp! The air conditioner is louder than this thing.


Gotta stare at the power button to figure out if it's on.


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Recommended Comments

I remember when I got my newest family PC. It too is freakishly quiet. The only thing is that the monitor is super bright.


That's funny what happened with your mom thinking that you didn't do your homework. That happens to me every once in a while.



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