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Bionicle Humiliation



Gather round children and I will tell ye a tale..


I'm just back from a walk to woolworths holding a brand spanking new Defilak.

But everything did not go to my plan.

Well, first off ive been slowing down on the bionicle bying and haddent bought one in about a two months so thats really good for me but when i saw Defilak £1 reduced I thought, 'hey, why not?'

So I go up to pay and behind me a heard the familiar sound of gossiping girls.

So I turn round and see a group of girls from my maths class lining up to pay with there diet coke and haribo, and even worse one of these girls thought I had given up on bionicle 3 years ago. So if it's not bad

enough that a thirteen year old is even buying a bionicle I have those girls to worry about at wednesdays maths lesson.


That there ends the tale..unless you want to hear about buying half a cucumber at waitrose for my pet snail.


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Ouch man. Only 2 of my friends know I own bionicles, and they all think nothing of it because they do also.


But in front of girls from your school, ouch.



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Embarassing that those girls were there. If they don't know you well though you could have said it was for a younger brother/ sister. Oh well life happens.

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Embarassing that those girls were there. If they don't know you well though you could have said it was for a younger brother/ sister.

That's my current plan.

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Aargh...that doesn't sound nice at all :( ! I'm sure it feels like a pretty dreadful situation to be in, and you may be able to find some advice by reading this topic.
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Aargh...that doesn't sound nice at all :( ! I'm sure it feels like a pretty dreadful situation to be in, and you may be able to find some advice by reading this topic.

Yeah it did.


Thanks for the linkn :)

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Shoot,all the girls laugh at me for it,but only one doesnt,she flirts with me.


And all my friends like Bionicle.Infact,when I mentioned the name in my first year,I made 2 friends.

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Well, a lot of people know about that and they don't care. (Oh, you'll be maybe a 13 years old tall boy, but I'm year older than you, probabily taller, and they don't care)

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I liked and avidly bought Bionicle when I was thirteen (I read your topic that you made on this subject ;) ) I had a crush on this girl who had a younger brother who liked Bionicle. When she found out that I liked it too, we just joked about it and moved on. We really didn't say much on the subject, which was nice. It never got in the way, I was hardly ever teased about it. Sometimes people are nicer than you give them credit for. ^_^




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Why must young s be so gossipy(gossipy: thats a real word that I just made up!)? Oh well. Anyway, you really shouldnt care about what they think. So you like Bionicles. Big deal. It means you have a hobby, and that you do more than just gossiping about people.Im not that popular at my school, and not many people besides my friends know about my hobby, but even if they did I really wouldnt care. People should like you for you, not a person they'd like you to be, and if these girls cant accept that, well then they arn't worth your time. Be who you are, and when someone comes along that likes you, and you are just being yourself, then they like you for who you are.


And if that doesnt work, tell the you were buying it for a sibling or friend or something.


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PATHETIC. I would never let such a thing happen to me.

If they wish to insult you, let them, you can't stop it, they have bore witness.


Standing up for yourself may be satisfying at the moment, but you've got to consider the long term consequences. Besides, it's been only a day, even the worst of news takes time to spread.


Who knows, they might not even care, you might just be paranoid.

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In three years no one will care


Seriously, I'm 15 going on 16 and I still play with LEGO and BIONICLE, heck- even go so far as to buy sets. I know people twice my age still into LEGO >..>

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