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Oh, How Adorable



Well, yesterday, when my mom was driving my dad and I home from town, I found a piece of paper tucked into the spot where the cupholder can retract to when I put it up, and I unfolded it. It looked like my sister's handwriting, on it. It said:


Jesus loves me, yes he does, but he HATES Jackie.


And on it was a crude drawing of somebody, who I figured to be this Jackie person. I showed the picture to my mom, and she laughed extremely hard. Apparently this Jackie girl was somebody who insulted my sister at church. Mom showed it to my dad, who laughed even harder.


And the moral of this is: My, what a wonderful little creature my sister is.





Today I went to see Hot Fuzz with my dad, since my sister was gonna have a bunch of irritating friends over. Holy [insert obscene interjection of choice], that was a great movie. It was just so witty and well written, and it did a fine job nailing action movie stereotypes. Made by the guys who did Shaun of the Dead, also. Simon Pegg was great. Then my dad and I went to the mall, and browsed around. We visited a music store, and looked around for a while, and I got two CDs, a They Might Be Giants CD and a Mindless Self Indulgence CD. Dad got some jazz and blues compilations. We looked around for a while more, and then we ate pizza at Bertucci's and had a great conversation. Following that, we left the mall and it was raining a bit. Took us a while to get home, there was nasty traffic.


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