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Of Scholarships

Watashi Wa


I opened a letter yesterday that was sent to me from my school and thoroughly read it. It turns out that our school -finally- set up a scholarship for academics instead of sports (mostly football, which hardly won half their games this past season). So my parents do not have to pay any tuition for my entire school Senior year, only books, etc. That should save them a few thousand dollars to put away towards my college tuition. That beats me taking out a loan so soon. I know I'll have to pull out a loan sooner or later, but atleast it gives me more time to save up.


Now if only our school offered better classes. Even pre-Calc would be nice. I'd love to have some AP Bio and English or something, but...that's wishful thinking.


Oh, and supposedly, if I do end up being the Valedictorian of my class, I'll recieve a full scholarship to Faulkner for two years, I think. I planned on going there for two years anyways to get my core classes out of the way.


Gracious, it's all happening so fast...


Class of 2008


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Senior year goes by fast... I'm glad my school has a ton of good classes.


Not that it matters, cuz I graduate Sunday.



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I mentioned this before, but I really don't understand why you have to pay so much for your basic education when you still don't get half the oppurtunities that I do. :/
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I wish I could get a scholarship for my senior school stuff. ;;


I also wish I could get stuff next year for being the Valedictorian, but that wouldn't really count since I'm the only one IN my class. :P



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I know how you feel about a lack of higher-level classes.

It is sad that there is not enough interest among student bodies for a class to actually be held.

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I mentioned this before, but I really don't understand why you have to pay so much for your basic education when you still don't get half the oppurtunities that I do. :/


I don't either. Personally, I'm against private schools. They're too sheltered and uniforms are 'totally not cool.' Not to say that the public schools around here are any better, but I'm sure they've got a few better classes...


It's almost as if I should be paying to go to -your- school and you should be going to my school for free. :P

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