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Moc Club



This is the main entry for the MOC Club. It will be used for discussion and for posting links to members MOC topics(LGD topics are allowed).


UPDATE: You can also post MOCs that never got many posts, and went past the revival date.


Please don't comment here unless you want to join or are already a member.


Please only join if you are good at MOCing.


Here's a banner:








I dunno; maybe MOC occasionally and help with group projects when they're created.








The Pointy-Haired Boss






Sir A. Bizzy


Gfire and Dakarak

Nutoro Toa of Ice


Bundalings the Bunny - 2

Vezon Toa of Elements





Toa Matt3695





Toa Tigani of Ice




Toa Vezorn




Toa Rahaga




Axonn's Fury



Also, if you don't want to PM me, you can ask to join here.


This entry will be updated occasionally, so stay tuned.





Recommended Comments

Great idea, getting a bunch of MOCers (or MOCists) together!



Hi, I'm ChocoloateFrogs, and I'm a MOCer/MOCist (we should discuss this, although it is the MOCists Club)


I'm the guy who created the Piraka Fusion thing, the one that won the Lego Mag contest and was put into the November 06 Bionicle Comic.


I usually MOC Toa, custom bodies of course (although on occasion will use a Toa body for good reason). I did just build a 2 foot tall Neon Genesis Evangelion Eva, my biggest MOC ever.


Aside from Bionicle, I like system. Favorite themes are Space/Star Wars (and now Mars Mission too) and anything that has good MOCing pieces!


I'm sure we'll have some good discussions here, so I won't mention anything else. It'll all come out eventually!



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]^Aw, you beat me to it.^


I'm Ca'gerrin, I tend to change my name a lot. Dunno why I can't just stick with a single name, but I can't.


I started this club mostly as a place where MOCers can discuss their MOCs without it being clogged by all those: "Oh, look, I gave Vakama a green mask," sort of topics. I really wish people wouldn't do that, as it means that all the good custom MOCs get buried.


I've built a fairly large number of MOCs. I build all kinds of things, mostly humanoid, although I've done Rahi, vehicles, and guns, to name just a few. I don't mind using Technic and System in the same design. I'm trying to rival DV with my fusion MOCs, but I'm a long way from his level.


Although my favorite theme is Bionicle, I also like a few other themes as well, notably Exo Force, Star Wars, and any of Lego's various other Space themes.


I haven't managed to win a BBC contest yet, but I'm working on it, although I've never gotten past the semi-finals.




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On the topic of topics: yes. And all those people who post MOCs with 10 different colors and it isn't coordinated.


The idea is great to get MOCers who care to discuss MOCing together.

I forgot to mention I like Exo Force too. I'm an otaku (anime fan)


I think it's important to put at least one system piece in each MOC (even if it is just a lightstone)

1) Encourages fusion

2) gets back at AFOLs who would rather have Bionicle out of here. Kinda like trying to put Bionicle pieces in system MOCs.


For some reason I can't do Rahi too well. At least not big ones. I don't like heads, so I always do Toa so I can use Kanohi. (I also prefer the Toa Mata head (and their feet))



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Honestly, with the Rahi MOCs, I think the funnest part, maybe not the easiest, but the funnest part, is building the heads. The most trouble I have building Rahi is actually the legs. I just can't build good Rahi legs. Unless I'm making insect legs. I'm not sure why, 'cos they're thinner and not as sturdy, as say, tiger legs. But they're so much easier.


I think the main difference between Technic and System is that System can be used to make absolutely huge flat surfaces, whereas Technic, and especially Bionicle works better for building humanoids because you can build a higher level of poseability into the design.




It's sort of inspired by F-Zero, which is probably the best hover-racing game in existence.


The minifig in the cockpit is my minifig character, whose name is Vena Mars. Slur those two words together and you'll get it.


I'm trying to build a Predator right now, but it might take till Sunday night to finish. And I'm not building him with a mask on.



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Ummm hi, I'm Edoshi? I'm the guy you probably don't know? Maybe?


Meh. I tend to build whatever comes to mind. I can do Rahi, I just tend not to more often then not. My goal?


Pass Chemistry


Oh, my BZP goal? Don't have one. Actually enter one of those Lego contests. Why did I join this club?


Cuz I feel that we need a decent place to discuss these types of things. And yes, system is awesome. I try to incorperate it as much as possible.


And ha, Kame joined.


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well,I'm Uchiha,formerly known as Makutakrakua(Although not known well :P ),and I'm occasional MOCer,usually just having little pops of inspiration when I'm bored.

I'm not that good of A MOCer,but I am definitely improving over what I used to make.

I like to try and incorporate system into my MOCs occasional,but seeing as I have thousands of Bionicle/technic and only a little over 1000 system pieces,it never works well.I cant make rahi to save my life and so haven't been able to participate in the BBCs of late.

I also like Naruto.



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I've got the torso, head, and one arm finished on the Predator, so here's a teaser:




So far, it's working pretty well, but I wish I had a couple of Mahritoran blades instead of Takanuva's.


The face design is only partially armoured, so it looks a little weird, but it's mostly my camera.




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You really like those Droid arms as fangs, huh?


Anywho, considering the Cheapness of the small sets, I'd say just pic one up. It'd be worth the peices.

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I'll get around to reviewing later, but let me say, those movies are soooo bloody. But hey, the governator does what the governator wants.
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Sweet ^_^! a disscusson entery


Anyway, I'm the Pointy-Haired Boss, however, I plan on eventualy switching back to my old name, The great Protodermis Sea Dragon (just call me Proto D).


I tend to MOC humanoinds and Titan-esque things, To date, I have only built two Rahi MOCs, one a MOC of my former namesake (Which I regretfully dissmantled and never took pictures of. it would have perfect for your contest Venomess :( ) and my BBC 43 entry Pack Muncher. I prefer to MOC with technic rather than system, but I have recently started to take system up again (as demonstrated with my alien escape pod and Dark titan MOC). The part of a MOC I find the hardest to construct is the Torso, I have to make a easily modified and good looking torso.


A project I am working on now is a mech, I found really great, simple frame design on Brickshelf and I am planning on useing it.


My two greatest MOCs are my Tahu-scene and my Rembathsis MOCs, you can chek them out in my B-shelf or visit their (closed) topics by clicking the links in my sig.



Besides MOCing my hobbies include reading in general,reading comics,reading/watching some manga/anime, going on the computer,

playing sports and hanging out with friends. :)

Edit: for some reason I can only see half of every entry

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Umm...hi. Wow, that was geeky.


I'm (BioFreak), and I consider my self a MOCer, even though I never take pics.






Recently, I've been working on a huge, System SpaceShip, called the BumbleBee and it's yellow and black/orange.





I would like to join to better my MOCing skills. I do have a few MOC Topics, but, as usual, I'm being a procrastinator, and I can't post them here at this moment.








-~-This has been a Special Report from the desk of...(BF)-~-

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I'l enter in this MOC Club.


I'm Sir A. Bizzy, formerly Aritastic Bizzy. I'm a pretty good MOCer, and also a bad artist, a spriter and a comicer.


I consider myself an intermediate MOCer, since I got in the semifinals of BBC #41 and #42. I like MOCing, but I'm usually too lazy to post my MOCs on BZP. I like to MOC diffrent monsters and somewhat humanoid creatures, small MOCs and sometimes Toa. I don't like MOCing Rahi and and I virtualy can't do females, 'cause every time I try, it ends up a failure >.<*.


The current project that bI'm working at is a Demon and some of his sidedicks.


Should say anything more? Well, then that's all.

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Alright. I'm officially classifying this as one of

my worst/best MOCs of all times. Please note,

this is my first MOC after coming out of a

five month block. So it's probably not going

to be all that high quality. Also, The pose is

horrific. But I just couldn't get it the way I

had it on my dresser. Oh well.




So yeah. >>;

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100th post special!!!!!!!!!


Please post in it (I'd be very happy if you used constructive criticism) my topics never get very many posts, and how am I supposed to get better if nobody critisizes my MOCs.


Since everyone else introduced themselves I guess I will,


Hi I'm Jagged (though I may change my name soon), I always post in these two colours, usually important

stuff is in bright red I love MOCing (though I haven't done much lately except for

contest entries, but now that wwe've had a break from BBCs and summer break will be coming up soon I'll

be MOCing more) my BZP goal is to win a BBC contest (so far I haven't made it past the prelims, I have come really close though....) One of my favorite peices for torsos are the D shaped technic lift arms. My

worst kind of MOCs are titans, I'm horrible at them.



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Alright. I'm officially classifying this as one of

my worst/best MOCs of all times. Please note,

this is my first MOC after coming out of a

five monthblock. So it's probably not going

to be all that high quality. Also, The pose is

horrific. But I just couldn't get it the way I

had it on my dresser. Oh well.


IPB Image


So yeah. >>;



Was it designed to look skinny? 'Cos it looks very nice like that. Somewhat like Kalmah+Ehlek.


I think it needs another white tentacle on the head, though. It doesn't look right with just one.




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Well, yeah.

I'm not known much around here but I do post many mocs.

Unfortuantly, many of my topics slip by untouched.

Like my BBC 39 entry. I had made a pretty good moc,

but only one person posted in the topic.

I tend to lean toward the humanoid, titan, toa, matoran type things.

I'd say I'm at least a medeorcre mocer leaning to the good side,

but many people seem to have a different opinion.

I really like the idea were my moc gets noticed, so I posted.



To see some of my work, check out the links in my sig,

Shroudspawn's topic is open.

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Yes, in a way Venomess. Not overly skinny

but...skinny. And yeah, I would have put

another white tentacle on too, but

unfortunantly...let's just say that my cat

likes to hide things >>; Thanks for the


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Hi, I'm Gfire, and I'm deciding to join this... becouse I like MOCing. Especially heads. Rahi heads. And I also like using system with bionicle to Make my MOCs.


Also you can view my MOCs in my Bshelf (link in sig.) However Many of them are outdated as much as three or four years.


I'd say i'm a Intermediate MOCist. I have had some pretty good things, and i come up with many great ideas.

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Hi I'm Alovath I'd like to join...


right now i'm working on a team of toa and I only have the air one and the water one done

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