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Moc Club



This is the main entry for the MOC Club. It will be used for discussion and for posting links to members MOC topics(LGD topics are allowed).


UPDATE: You can also post MOCs that never got many posts, and went past the revival date.


Please don't comment here unless you want to join or are already a member.


Please only join if you are good at MOCing.


Here's a banner:








I dunno; maybe MOC occasionally and help with group projects when they're created.








The Pointy-Haired Boss






Sir A. Bizzy


Gfire and Dakarak

Nutoro Toa of Ice


Bundalings the Bunny - 2

Vezon Toa of Elements





Toa Matt3695





Toa Tigani of Ice




Toa Vezorn




Toa Rahaga




Axonn's Fury



Also, if you don't want to PM me, you can ask to join here.


This entry will be updated occasionally, so stay tuned.





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I'm working on a robot, so gimme some critic. It's Kai Mokai Rua Unit 03, and it will be a character in my epic if I ever get aroung to writing more than the first chapter. And yes, it's supposed to be long and skinny.

I'm probably going to customize the arms and legs more.

The other two Kai Mokai Rua Units will be similar.


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Ooohh..This sounds like a nice club to join. Yays. :br:


Anywho, Me name's Draxon, and I really, really like to Moc. I think of myself as a pretty good MOCist. I specifically prefer Bionicle Mocing, but I occasionally get around to making some pretty neat System Mocs. I am currently tesing with pieces, like trying to figure out uses for newer pieces, or making new types of custom limbs. I also enjoy making Custom toa torso designs, and using them to make tons of different toa and/or Toa teams. I dont really know what specific type of Mocs I like to make, because I just like to make all types. I probably make Matoran and Turaga the least, though.


So Thur ya go. I'd like to join.







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Alright, so I was definitely not aware of the existence of this club, much less this blog...


Hey there. My name is Diosjenin (originally Tahu Nuva). I originally joined this concoction known as BZP all the way back when it still went by the term BionicleZone Community and BioniclePower was a separate site. I was lucky to get in early enough to be one of the original 250 members.


I've been involved with LEGO Bricks since the tender age of three, and MoCing for a very long time. Ever since Bionicle's release in June 2001, it has been far and away my primary Lego focus (along with some Mindstorms 1.5 here and there). I've entered quite a few BBCs and was lucky enough to win BBC#13 (Mata Nui), as well as garnering a first place entry in Lego's own Rahi Challenge with the Mechanical Hound.


I haven't done any serious MoCing... probably since after BBC#42. Getting ready for college (and working a full-time job to support it) is a time-sucker. However, I have small (but sizable) back-catalog of MoCs that I can release in odd intervals while occupying myself with the rest of my life. The redone 01Rahi are coming...


I totally agree with :Venomess: about awesome heads. Those things are way fun. I enjoy torsos myself as well. The only thing I definitely absolutely suck at is arms. Can't do 'em.


I can't stand huge holes in what's supposed to be solid structure. Make it right or don't make it at all.



Oh, and I'd like to join, please. :D



- Diosjenin -

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who heres entering bbc 44? i am, and it have the moc finished, i just need to fix the head. gosh, those gears are hard.


if anyone wants descriptions, before his photos come up, he's white, with some grey, and little black.

he is toa sized, although he is pretty big. his proportions are right, with that said, only his fingers are a little too big (but not axonn sized thank god).


im very impressed with myself, and will post the moc in the topic, in a topic, and here, for people to judge. :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: im so happyful! LEET REMOVED -B6

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I decided not to enter BBC 44 - I have too many MOCs in progress to shove them all aside at the moment. I did make a Hapori Tohu moc, however, but it's not for the contest, as it would be DQ'd - working on his motorcycle now hehe

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I have my Tohu Built. I wont waste time with anything, so the link is in the left lide of the banner.

It's yellow-tastic. And it looks good. But how sturdy are those arms?

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Sup. I'm Potu.


I joined this site of ours to enjoy the bionicle related fun it ofters, as while as create MOC's and show them to someone other than my mom, and make friends.


For me, building has always been a thing for me, starting with blocks and dolls. After a whie I moved up to what I make today. Although I'm not the best, I still enjoyed being in semi-finals for BBC's. I've been a bionicle folower from the start, and always will.


My MOCing style usually involves toa or matoran, and is full of ball joints. My colors are way of a lot due to my lack of usefull parts, but I manage anyway. I suck at making torsos and complex heads, but I excel in limbs of all kinds.


I don't know what else to say except...may I please join? :)



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Well, as you guys may have noticed, I picked up Maxilos and Spinax recently...


And out of them has come a rather nice alternate model. Toa-style, as most of my MOCs are, but it has its own...vibe.


Along with that, my other creations I was working on (Two new turaga designs, one of which is used in my Hapori Tohu; and a titan) are quite finished and ready for posting, once I overcome my lazy streak.


Oh, and one more thing: Never underestimate the MOCing capabilities of a rahi head, especially if it comes from a certain energy hound...Hehe.

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I just thought of making a Halo Grunt today, I've got the head and arms made, I just need to figure out the triangle part on it's back, it should be up in s couple of days, if I'm not distracted by Harry Potter.



Well, as you guys may have noticed, I picked up Maxilos and Spinax recently...


And out of them has come a rather nice alternate model. Toa-style, as most of my MOCs are, but it has its own...vibe.


Along with that, my other creations I was working on (Two new turaga designs, one of which is used in my Hapori Tohu; and a titan) are quite finished and ready for posting, once I overcome my lazy streak.


Oh, and one more thing: Never underestimate the MOCing capabilities of a rahi head, especially if it comes from a certain energy hound...Hehe.

No kidding, Spinak's head caught my eye as a good piece of armor.



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Yeah, I made a Grunt a while ago. Got like two posts. But I think I posted it right before a BBC contest.




Gallery Link


I'm probably just gonna get two Maxilos & Spinax, and none of the other Titans. Well, maybe Gadunka.




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Hi Im Toa_Rahaga. I change my name once a year. I mainly make toa mocs or dark hunters. Also I love to make Titans as you can see in my Mocs. I have been playing with bionicles for 6 years. I am obsessed with the toa hagah and love the rahaga. You might be able to tell by the name. I will do Pbzps on anyone, just Pm me. I am working on a Tohu. Can I post him and be able to post him in BBC? Please let me know. Hope to see a lot from the club and I can post a moc every two months


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I think it's awesome.


Why'd you use the rahkshi heads, too Roodaka like. I like the claws on Deadwing, great ideas Bundalings!



Hey, Potu, why don't you post in the topic?


I'll be getting my Project Barraki stuff up within the month, I hope, and previews will start within the week. I hope.



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