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Nfc #1 Voting!



Wow, I got a lot of entries; way more than I expected. And with that I wasn't able to choose one winner, I was only able to narrow it down to five. But here's where you come in, you get to vote for the winner! How cool is that? :P


The way you'll vote is by just comment in this entry and say which MOC is your favorite out of these five. PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE YOUR VOTE!


Here are the contestants for the winner of the Non-Flawsome Contest #1:


1. Seranikai's Xanrak: 7 votes

2. Draxon's The BugPuppy: 4 votes

3. Aanchir: Rachira of Time's Homestar Runner and Strong Bad: 1 vote

4. Kopakalaka's The Slugs: 3 votes

5. Synthesis's Mini-Wyvern: 5 votes


Voting last's from 6/9/07 to 6/11/07 at 11:59PM. Have fun voting! :)


The winner wins...something. Maybe. :lookaround:


Oh yeah, and if there's a tie I'll be the tie-breaker. ;)





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I amde it to the finals! That's a first.


I vote for.... myself. I would've voted for Draxon's Bug-Puppy(It's so cute), but I love my little sluggies.



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Did I miss something? Xanrak is definately the best here. Whoever made it is awesome, obviously.





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Did I miss something? Xanrak is definately the best here. Whoever made it is awesome, obviously.





Is that a vote for yourself? :P





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I haven't the nerve to vote for myself in this contest... my entry kind of sucks, anyway. Mini Wyvern for the win!


- :vahi:

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