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I Yet Live!



Long time no blog. Which means, wow, a WHOLE WEEK ALMOST! =O


We're getting our basement done. Wheee I get to see what the inside of walls look like! ^o^


No drywall yet though. Gotta get the walls inspected and such, which I find kinda odd... I mean, it's not like they won't support the house, they're not tearing down the original support posts, you know? I guess if they do a really horrible job you could stick your arm through the wall but I mean, it's not going to cause a massive collapse of the entire house's structure, so... eh, whatever. Rules are rules.


Cramming for finals, which is in fact what I SHOULD be doing now... :lookaround:


Unfortunately the massive amounts of sawdust in the basement means no turning on the air conditioning, but with the windows open it's okay.


Went to two book places today, Barnes & Noble and the library book fair. Got in touch with my inner child (not hard to do, considering :P ) with the purchase of Wayside School and Where the Sidewalk Ends which I absolutely loved when I was younger and which my sister already seems to enjoy.


Brings back so many memories... they're such great books, especially Sidewalk. If you are a dreamer, come in...


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My basement's big and finished. :P


Ah, Shel Silverstein. Wonderful poetry. I like the Giving Tree - it's a book I really grew up with. :)



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I love Shel Silverstein and Wayside School. Shel is a great children's poet in that even his more nonsensical poems have meaning. One of my favorites (and Lyichir's) is "The Bagpipe Who Didn't Say No."


And there's nothing more to say about Wayside School. In my time here I have not seen one comedy on BZPower with the complexity of the Wayside School books.


19. Miss Zarves


There is no Miss Zarves. There is no 19th story. Sorry.


- :vahi:


EDIT: BTW, my English teacher has that poem outside her door.

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