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Hot Dog Blister



So today my mom was helping out the church with operating a stand selling food, to make money. It was a complete downpour, though my dad took me and my sister there. I got a hot dog, along with some chips. However, I discovered a discolored spot on my hot dog. Upon prodding it, I saw it was some sort of blister-like pocket of fluid. Thusly, I had it popped. The downpour drove us inside, where I proceeded to remove the part of hot dog with the blister thing's remains. I put ketchup on the rest of my hot dog and ate it.


Then, my dad, my sister, and I went down town to look around in an athletic clothing store to get my sister some stuff, look around in a funny gift store, and get some stuff from Starbucks.



In other news, there's a great comic book you should check your local comic book store for. It's called Hero by Night. Long story short, a superhero disappears in the 50's, and 50 years later, his lair and diaries are discovered by a guy who attempts to sell them, only to gain the attention of an old adversary of the hero looking to even a score. It's by D.J. Coffman and Jason Embury, and it's published by Platinum Studios. Very good. It also has an online prequel, in the form of the journals of the missing hero, showing his exploits. Very good webcomic, it ended around the time the first issue hit the stores. It has great artwork and a good plot. The sort of stuff I'd rank alongside Batman: The Animated Series. Just thought I'd share this with you guys.

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