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Last Day



Today was the last day of real class, before the final days begin.






Thursday- History

Friday- Chemistry

Monday- Double-header. First Biology, AND THEN Pre-AP Calc

Tuesday- Art (in a sense), then English


Also, I got my AP Chemistry Summer Assignment today.




Anybody ever seen a really scary movie? Read a really scary book? Now imagine that, but ten times scarier.


THAT'S what reading my summer assignment was like.




Okay. I'm going to load up on History today. If anybody tries to talk to me and I start spouting names of presidents and important battles in WWII, you know why.


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I aced History... Vimy Ridge and Ypres and stuff. Easy stuff. =D


I got:


1. Science (Chemistry, Physics, Biology)

2. Math (quadratics and trig and stuff)

3. French (prettyeasy)

4. Business (also easy)


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*is mad at Nikira for rubbing it in everyone's face who has to take exams and study for hours and pay attention in class all year and not doodle and never get snow-days and have evil teachers who give you quizzes on stuff that you haven't learned and then you realize that how actually did learn it but you were sick or asleep or too busy drawing or something like that anyway the point still rests that Nikira is homeschooled I'm not and that makes me sad and angry and llama but the real message hear is to be kind to your pets*

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*is mad at Nikira for rubbing it in everyone's face who has to take exams and study for hours and pay attention in class all year and not doodle and never get snow-days and have evil teachers who give you quizzes on stuff that you haven't learned and then you realize that how actually did learn it but you were sick or asleep or too busy drawing or something like that anyway the point still rests that Nikira is homeschooled I'm not and that makes me sad and angry and llama but the real message hear is to be kind to your pets*


Hey hey, wait a minute:


1) Just because I'm homeschooled doesn't mean I don't study/cram/take exams. I just don't have finals at the end of the year, because my curriculem has review after review throughout the entire year.


2) I'm not allowed to doodle during school hours. Homework hours, yes, but not until after 3.


3) I've never had a snow day from school.[/serious]


4) How can you be llama? oO



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