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Kopaka's Ice Engineering


Don't ask why I'm up at this hour.


When all else fails, swipe an image from Wikipedia


And then Cartoon Network decided to replace GITS:SAC with Shin Chan.

And this made KIE very upset, so much so that he more or less ignored "Adult Swim" during the week.

And then Cartoon Network decided to dump Shin Chan in favor of Bleach.

And then KIE was very happy.



Would you believe I still haven't seen every episode? Seriously, thanks for starting at the beginning.




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GitS wasn't even that good of a show. :P


Bleach is by far the best anime I've ever seen. I'm around episode 60. I just couldn't handle waiting a whole week to watch one new episode.


Naruto Shippuden gives Bleach a run for its money, though.


Oh, and don't ask why I'm up at this hour.

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I keep tellin' myself to watch Bleach durin' the week, but I always forget. :P I only started around like right before they went to the Soul Society, so I was a tad lost. :P


ET is happy too.

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*Does not ask what KIE and Watashi Wa were doing up at that hour.*


Ooh, anime! That appears to be one of the more realistic styles, apart from the spiky orange hair. By his expression, I'm supposing he's a good guy who isn't easily frightened and does what he can to set things right.




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Bleach rocks!

I've only seen the first episode, I'm more into the manga. I've read the first 12 manga. Now that summer's here, I'll get more from the library and watch more anime online.


But, yes, Bleach is awesome! Just imaging cosplaying as Ichigo: Big sword! Yes, it's all about the sword(s) (the anime in general. Who doesn't like big swords?) It's a great storyline that can get anyone addicted.



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Shine liked when they replaced GITS:SAC with Shin Chan, due to the fact that Shine has seen seemingly every episode of GITS:SAC at least twice.

Shine was upset when Shin Chan was replaced by Bleach, as Shine is much farther along into the series that what CN is currently showing.

Shine has decided that TV is over-rated, and will simply download anything he wants to watch from the internet.

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Same here, Bleach is my favourite anime. I am very much into it, I've seen every episode up-to-date(which is, btw, 129 episodes so far), and pretty much understand all of it(it isn't one of those animes that are complicated to understand). For the action, I'd say Bleach has more than Naruto, humour is emphasized more in Bleach, but Naruto can be funny too, I prefer Bleach's animation to Naruto, for weapons, heck, Naruto hardly has any other than little kunai knives and shuriken. Bleach, on the other hand, is loaded with big weapons. Whoever said gunfights are better then swordfights, I completely disagree with. Swordfights last a lot longer, and with gunfights it's hit-or-miss. And swords never run out of ammo. For drama, on the other hand, Naruto can go deeper when it comes to tragedy and stuff. Nice to meet people here who share my interest in it. And Turakii, the picture doesn't have a lot to do with this topic, so you're kinda off-topic here. Not to mention you don't even know what Bleach is.

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Bleach is a great show!, infact one of the best in my opinion! :P Ghost in the shell isn't on over here anymore, I'm sad about that, I really enjoyed it. :( they don't even have season 2 in canada yet.

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Man, I love the show. I really dislike Shin-Chan.


KIE, Tite Kubo, the creator of the manga, is just crazy, but awesome.



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