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Irrational, Imaginary, Incredible



How truly wonderful the universe is can be seen in this simple equation:


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While reviewing for my math final, I found this in the text book. And quite frankly, it's astounding. Five of the most important numbers in mathematics related, two of which are irrational, one of which does not exist in the real system.


e, the natural base for exponential functions, the limit as x goes to infinity of (1+1/x)^x. e^x is the ONLY equation whose derivative is itself. The slope of e^x at any point is always e^x.


p, the number of radians in a semicircle, the circumference of a circle divided by the diameter, the value at which sine is 0 and cosine is -1.


i, the imaginary number, the square root of negative one, the basis of the complex number system, a number that does not exist in any real number system.


1, the singularity, what you get when you divide any number or variable by itself, the right side of the equations for a hyperbola or ellipse, the fundamental unit, the point where exponential graphs intersect the y axis, the value that any number to the zeroth power equals.


0, the exception to so many of the rules that define one, the nonentity, the point between positive and negative, and which is neither of the two, the intersection of the x, y, and z axes.


e, p, and i, three numbers so seemingly unrelated, the first two with digits that stretch on forever, the third with digits that cannot even be written in our universe. Put two irrationals and a nonreal together... and you get a real number. Add one to it, and you have zero.


Our reality is a beautiful thing, isn't it? The most fundamental numbers can never be fully written, but they simplify down into nothing in the end.


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:drooling: wha...? :???:

I thought I was a math geek but I have never *Knock on wood* seen an equation like that. my math teacher would love a student like you.

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Ah, yes, I remember that equation... Fascinating thing, it is, the five mathematical constants all related to each other...


...I really know nothing more to say about this. Except that e annoys me. But I guess I'll get more used to it next year...

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