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Blogs And Banners



Wow! I never expected BZP to get blogs! What a cool new feature! Anyway, welcome to my blog! I don't know how often I'll update it, but if I have something to blog, you'll see it here. Now I'll be able to share the little things I've done (random artwork, pixel stuff etc.) of things that don't realy need their own topic.


Speaking of which, Last night I was taking screen caps of MoL, and paused at these two frames that I just had to do something with. And I made this. I don't know about you, but I think it's totaly funny! The two frames I used can be viewed here and here. It was in the Kohlii scene just after Takua did his "special move." I liked it so much, I put it in my sig. :P Oh yeah, and I used Photoshop to edit it. :psychotwitch:


Well, that's about it for now. Tell me what you think of the banner. ^_^


:a: :m:






Recommended Comments

So you've got a blog too, eh? Boy...everyone's getting them now.


What program do you use for taking screen captures? PowerDVD? Those pictures are very clear, so I assume you didn't take pictures of your TV with your camera.


That banner is hilarious, and absolutely true. Don't stop making them! You're really good at this editing and banner-making.


*Opens banner and bursts out laughing again.* Honestly, that is one really funny banner! :lol:

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Thanks, I'm glad you like it! :D The program I used to take the caps was InterVideo WinDVD. I highly recomend that program for taking DVD caps. It's the best one I've found so far. :psychotwitch:
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It sounds good, and from what I've seen in your banner pictures, it probably is. How much does it cost?


The only reason I use PowerDVD is it takes bright, clear pics--and came free with my computer. :lol:

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I actually don't know how much it costs. It came with my graphics card. :P But you can check out their website. Apparently my copy is a little outdated. I have winDVD 4, and they have WinDVD 7 already. :rolleyes:
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