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Brownie Points



First of all:


I've got to give a great big THANK YOU to Uncle K.com for the gift. :)




I just realized it's really quiet in my house right now. Might be because of the fact that both of my siblings and my dad are gone for the week....


Na...that can't be it... :P


Yeah, my mom and I are spending some quality time together this week, which we usually never get to do because of the busyness of our summer. It's awesome, cause I've recently learned that she's been through exactly what I'm going through. (Which is kind of a 'yeah, duh' thing, but I JUST realized it.) So we get to have some of those down-to-earth talks, and we get to go shopping and stuff. (Not for clothes, because that's silly. :P)


I'm actually getting these three pics matted and framed for the Ohio State Fair as well. :ohmy: (The second picture is getting a custom-made frame, with triple amtting and glass and everything. 8D) So if you stop by the Fair in August, look for these pics hanging in the Highschool Art Division Room, as well as a fourth that's in progress. ;)


And we're making brownies. Which is also cool, cause my dad and siblings usually eat all the brownies before my mom and I have any, so we get to eat the whole pan this week to make up for all the ones we've never had.


*hides brownies from LK*




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*Gets drug dog* [MakutaVoice]No brownie can be hid from me.[/MakutaVoice]


I had a similar incident at my house while my brother was in Florida for his Senior Trip for a week. Well, five days. It was so quiet... Nice preview of what the next year will be like when he goes to college.


Congrats on the Ohio thing! *looks up Ohio on a map* Too far away for me to go, sorry! Pennsylvania's a big state to cross...

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I'm not hiding them from you. I'm hiding them from Lady K. She loves brownies with a passion. :P


Being the oldest, I'm usually the one gone, so I never get this kind of time with my parent(s).


Ugh, I know... It takes us... oh, 6 hours to get from Columbus to Pittsburg. (Or Philadelphia - I forget which one's over by the eastern border.) :annoyed2:



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Shopping for clothes is silly...


A lot of my family is gone for a week as well. It's cool. Well, I don't have anyone here to have any "down-to-earth talks" but I'm fine with that. Talking on summer vacation has never been my thing... Also, the farthest east that I have ever been is mid Montana and that trip lasted over 12 hours...




Can I has brownie...? :P

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Exactly. =D


Do it sometime in your highschool life. It's awesome, just to talk with your parents about whatever. :D





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That would be Philly on the eastern side of PA -- I'm in NJ and Philly's about ten minutes away, so... yeah. Pittsburg is somewhere north, I think.
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....Did someone say....BROWNIES?! I WANT ONE! 8D


Yeah I love it when my mom and I hang out, it's rare for me too because of our busy life and she is usually sick, but just last night we had a great conversation where I got all my rants out and my opinons of things, it's so nice because during that time she feels like a friend and not like a mom. :P


Good luck in the fair Nikira!






Now give me a brownie.

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That would be Philly on the eastern side of PA -- I'm in NJ and Philly's about ten minutes away, so... yeah. Pittsburg is somewhere north, I think.


NJ Turnpike = DOOOOM. O.<




....Did someone say....BROWNIES?! I WANT ONE! 8D






Yeah I love it when my mom and I hang out, it's rare for me too because of our busy life and she is usually sick, but just last night we had a great conversation where I got all my rants out and my opinons of things, it's so nice because during that time she feels like a friend and not like a mom. :P


Isn't that awesome? =D


My mom will listen to me blabber on about Bionicle and stuff like that, and she'll actually ask questions, which, in normal situations, she never does.



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My mom will listen to me blabber on about Bionicle and stuff like that, and she'll actually ask questions, which, in normal situations, she never does.

I wish I could do that, mom and I just talk about school and life. It's very hard to chat about anything else. -.O Especially with Bionicle, my parents just lecture/laugh/stare at me. Above all when she gets on that “Bionicle looks evil” or “People who are old (15+) and like Lego are strange.”


*Continues to eat brownies*

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My parents work with children 24/7, and they believe that you're never too old to love something - my dad's a fan of Tigger, which people think is weird sometimes. :P



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My mom's similar -- she's the only person I know other than my brother who will actually LISTEN to me when I talk about Bionicle. And she reads the books -- the story fascinates her.


... I'll fight ya for the brownies, Lady K.

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I have no idea what you look like.


I had a big painted picture up at a 4-H fair, and some of my friends taped papers with messages on the back.


That was cool.


You WILL get blue ribbons, won't you?

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I wish that I could get my Bionicle rants out, but since my friend moved to San Jose, I have no one to talk to about it. :( Now, then, GIMME THE BROWNIES OR ELSE! :evilgrin:

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*Looks on Google earth* Gerrr I wish I could come but I'm all the way on the west coast and Up.... in a different country so things would be difficult.


There Is NO ONE LIKE MOM! And there never will be!


Are there any brownies left?



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I have no idea what you look like.


And now you do.


I had a big painted picture up at a 4-H fair, and some of my friends taped papers with messages on the back.


That was cool.


You WILL get blue ribbons, won't you?


That'd be awesome. ;;


...The blue ribbons would be awesome as well. XD I've never entered a State Fair before, so... here's hoping.


Are there any brownies left?


Of course. *gives her new pan of chocolatey goodness*



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