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If you haven't checked out Dokster's blog yet, then you've missed out on one of the most bizzare events of history...




BZPers have turned me into a fad.




What has happened to humanity's sanity? :rolleyes:


>>>EDIT: If you are doing any 'merchandise' that involves using a picture of me, pleasepleaseplease, use my Bionicle character pic or the wooden penguin. Do NOT fish up pictures of myself and use them, or the links/images will be removed from the blog comments.<<<




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If you were a strangler, I'd be hiding from you right now. :fear:



If I was a strangler, I'd be hiding from myself.

But wait-- that's impossible... isn't it? Can one really hide from oneself? I'll have to do some contemplating and studies on this matter..

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How was this fad started, anyway :blink: ?


It's Dokky's fault. XD He quoted something I said in his blog, and now everybody's quoting me. :rolleyes:



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Hmm. I agree w/ you, :Venomess:, on that.

I wonder what Nikira merchendise should be made now... I know! Decorative plates and cups!

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*is overwhelmed by sudden merchandise sales*


Man, if I could sell artwork like this.. *whistles*



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You guys are all so weird.


*Wants a custom member title*


Ah, but you do have one! You are, after all, the 30-second poet. :P



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No, I mean instead of "Stalwart Defender" I want it to read: Interdimensional Penguin Jedi Avatar. :D




I'd like one, too, but only the admins can give away custom titles - usually as a reward.



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I think I'll stop posting in the forums once I get to a good title, and then only post in places where it doesn't up my post count. I'm thinking: "Conqueror of the Swarm"






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I'm just happy that I finally got the one I have. My Stone Champion was half-drowning for about three months. :lol:



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Na, that's okay. Everybody's, like, asleep right now. :rolleyes:


Ah wel. If the fad ends here, then at least I can say I was ultimo-uber-popular for, like, 20 hours. :P



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A tad late, but here it is anyway. Yay(?) for horribly rough sketches!


Sorry for the size, I'm still having scanner problems...Nikira fad! :P


Oh, and the "action figure" can talk when you squeeze it. That's just one of the things it can say. :P

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*dies of laughter*


I believe you just summed up today's entries for both my blog and Dokky's blog. :P


Off to my Internet favs, that pic goes.





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