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Fruit War 2





Since some of my readers decided in the last blog entry that the Fruit War is back on, I figured I would at least devote a new blog entry to it.


REMEMBER, this is not, nor will it be an RPG.


*lobs watermelon at Onuki and Spitty*


Oh, and my Premier Membership is gone, so no new entries.


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Zarking Fardwarks, look at all this mayhem! Oh well, what can you do?


Oh, I know!


*Gets in pineapple submarine and goes hunting for Turakii and the other pirates*


Wait a minute... *Edits post to be in accordance with what happened to the pirate ship*

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nikira i take offense to that *throws 50000000 potatoes at you*


yaar yo ho ho etc. potatoes are a fruit from now on

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*Fires papayas out of atomic slingshot, making Shine taste his splien.*


Fear the power of papayas.

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I built golems out of apples and

sent them to destroy lemons.


I like Madagascar :) .


JSZ out


Oh no you don't. I have an army of defensive Lemon Mechas built just for such an occasion!


- :vahi:

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*hits Seranikai with a nuke melon*

THAT was for disintigrating our base!


Really? Because a microwaved melon doesn't seem to make up for reducing a base to a smoldering pile of rubble.


Oh, that kind of nuke? Well then...


*defuses nuke with luscious lemonade, then ships the components to base to be used in weapons manufacturing*


Where is all this nuclear fruit coming from, anyway?


- :vahi:

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