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Fruit War 2





Since some of my readers decided in the last blog entry that the Fruit War is back on, I figured I would at least devote a new blog entry to it.


REMEMBER, this is not, nor will it be an RPG.


*lobs watermelon at Onuki and Spitty*


Oh, and my Premier Membership is gone, so no new entries.


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My War Generals regenerate if they die.


There was a second time.



*Huge shells full of Rasberry flood crash into fruit stand terretory and start attacking everything there, turning them into horrible flood monsters*

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*He regenerates*






you have 2 posts to live before you go up in a citrusy explosion :D



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I said: I'M HIDING IN MY BASE!!!!!


The sheilds are up, and if I day, I regenerate 'cause I'm in my base.




frankin-kal: Too late. I've already posted it in the Fruit War Map topic. My territory should expand as we speak.....

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I said: I'M HIDING IN MY BASE!!!!!


The sheilds are up, and if I day, I regenerate 'cause I'm in my base.









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*Is waiting patiently for the comments to reach 100 pages, at whic hpoint something terrible will happen.*
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Is waiting patiently for the comments to reach 100 pages, at whic hpoint something terrible will happen.
Like this


*Shove nuclear limeon down wonko's throat*






You have 3 posts to live :D



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For me too. I will then unleash my secret weapon. I have given clues about it, but not quite directly.....

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I said: I'M HIDING IN MY BASE!!!!!


The sheilds are up, and if I day, I regenerate 'cause I'm in my base.




frankin-kal: Too late. I've already posted it in the Fruit War Map topic. My territory should expand as we speak.....

If land can be taken, it can be taken back, can it not?

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True, but you must wait for it to be taken before it can be taken back.


After all, me taking it is already official. Almost. It's posted- that's good enough.

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Is waiting patiently for the comments to reach 100 pages, at whic hpoint something terrible will happen.
Like this


*Shove nuclear limeon down wonko's throat*






You have 3 posts to live :D

*Ignores Hakkan, because my name is capatilized, so obviously he can't be reffering to me.*
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*I send out my Melon-ium Falcon to guard my Pumpkin Chucker area*


IPB Image


Also, NO.


The Map will be edited soon. Venomess is online. The edits will soon comence....

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But you said "True, but you must wait for it to be taken before it can be taken back.", implying that you have not yet taken the land.


*All seems quiet on fruit-stand teritory. Not the good kind of quiet like nothing's going on, but the kind of quiet that comes right before somthing really bad is about to happen. The kind that suggests that all livig things have either gone, or been killed. The kind of silence that heralds doom.*

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You know what, I'm just going to say:

"The first time that I post after this entry reaches 100 pages, I will unleash my awesome terror, as I probably will not be online for the big one-double-zero."



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BUT land must be taken for a first time before it can go back to its original state.

Yeah, thus meaning, untill the map is edited, that land is still mine.



*Thinks he knows what theis terror of terrors is, is friggin' terrifyed*

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