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Can You Guess What This Is?

Roa McToa


This is an engine part from my Oldsmobile. If you can guess correctly what its function is, you get a special banner that denotes your mechanical genius! :) Have a go at it!


IPB Image << Clicky for big pic!


Here is a video of how it works when its in the engine, operated with my hands......


Click for Google Video


A hint, Your engine may stop running if this part is broken. This one has rough edges and doesn't run smooth enough anymore to function perfectly. Hence, the reason for its replacement


Omi Guessed it! Its an Oil Pump!


He gets this fun banner! IPB Image


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Link a chain through the hole, and wear it.







EDIT: Yes Omi, It's cool enough for bling, but thats not what it does LOL :P

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Tis metal.



EDIT: Metal it is, but it actually serves a very important function in the engine. The car won't run right without it


Edit by Shine: Hmm, does it regulate how fast the crankshaft rotates?


EDIT:No, it doesn't have anything to do with power, or drivetrain function

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Is it the thing that goes around the piston?


EDIT: No, a piston ring is very thin. This part is very thick and heavy

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I think it's an automatic hamster eater. If a hamster gets too close to the car, it leaps out of the engine and devours it.

That's what I think.


EDIT: No matter how hard a hamster may try, he couldn't get to this part. It is sealed up behind the timing cover.................................
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Looks like a disc for the transmission.


EDIT: Nope. It is inside of the engine, and has nothing to do with the transmission

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So far, Volar/Omicron has guessed the closest. This part has something to do with the Oil in the engine. Guess its function, and you ROCK!

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Omi is right. It may not look like a pump, but it resides behind the timing cover in my Olds engine. As the "gear" rotates, it creates suction that draws oil into the crankcase. If the teeth get marred at all, it doesn't rotate properly, therefore not creating sufficient oil pressure to feed the engine.


Congrats Omi, you recieve This Banner!


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