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Almost Got Run Over....



Well I got to work today and settled in, little did I know the day I would have.


A truck pulls up to our outer gas pumps, and calls for me to open it. I do, and routinely jot down the license plate numbers, vehicle model/color, and driver description. After he fills about 58 dollars, I notice he is acting strangely and I exit the store to check on him. As I walk up, he starts his truck, so now I know he is going to try and get away.


Probably not my smartest move, but I was angry, I chase after the truck and slam my fist into his window to get his attention. He looks at me with a look of fright, acclerates very quickly, knocking my elbow on his front headlight very hard and drives away like a mainiac. He would have ran me over without a second thought, and nearly did had I not pulled away when I did. I could see it in his eyes that he was desperate, but still I was very angry and my adrenaline was pumping like crazy.


Once I get back into the store, I notice blood coming down my arm, and see a gash on my elbow. I must have been so pumped off the rush I didnt feel how bad the injury was. I called the police, they took a report and picture of my injury. They also told me to never ever do that again. Turns out the guy is an escaped convict in a stolen vehicle. I will be pressing charges if he is found, if the thinks he scared me he is oh so wrong. Quite a day at the job!


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Dude. You have to jot down vehicle information? You don't have cameras, or something? Also, if you have the license plate number, why would you run after him?


The only way I can relate is the guy who pulled into Self Serve in a truck and slip tank, pumped $500 dollars of gas and took off. Stolen license plate, too.

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Dude. You have to jot down vehicle information? You don't have cameras, or something? Also, if you have the license plate number, why would you run after him?


The only way I can relate is the guy who pulled into Self Serve in a truck and slip tank, pumped $500 dollars of gas and took off. Stolen license plate, too.

CzaR is crazy, man...


Anyway, sounds like you had quite a day!



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You don't have cameras, or something? Also, if you have the license plate number, why would you run after him?

Could be a stolen car, which can easily be ditched.



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