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Rain Rain Go Away



So hear at camp, we got stormed last night. Big time. Like there was a little swamp in front of some people's tents and some tents were leaking.


BTW, we're using platform tents, the Boy Scout kind. Me, being the SPL, was outside for most of it. It was so fun! The lightning made it as clear as day out side, only for a moment. I had to go outside to make sure everyone was OK and no other tents were leaking, if they were I'd hand them some plastic for the top of their tent.


The thunder started when most of the camp was in a field doing campwide games. So they had to stop those short (my staff was awesome at it, though) and rush everyone back to camp. I go to the comfort station to do a little bathroom business I don't want to do in the latrine, and a scout master yells in that the camp issued a siren for a storm warning. Everyone should rush back to camp. So I did, and got into my tent just as the rain started to pour. Then I get my rain gear and hop out!


So we're also worried about rain tonight and tomorrow, but hey, we're Boy Scouts, a little rain won't hurt us! (we play with fire after all...speaking of which I've confiscated two lighters and a can of ax and bug spray because they were making flame throwers)


-CF :usa:


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I swear, this must happen to all Scout patrols during camp, because it poured at the Scout Camp yesterday night here in OH. XD



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Flamethrowers? Typical scouts.


When it rains, then you know who listened to the whole "bring no cottom" lectures...



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Yeah. Expect rain. Lol, I have no idea where you are, but I'm finding what you are saying too coincidental. It rained here yesterday. Then, assuming you aren't too far away from home, it headed towards your area. It rained here again today. Sooo...


Yeah. Please do come on and say it didn't rain. :P

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Reading this entry brought back a lot of memories of my time in Scouts:


In a camp I was at called the Cuboree in 2008 (I was a Venturer Scout helper) we were hit by the edge of a cyclone! Many activity areas, including the one I was working in, were condemned for the rest of the camp, and the day the storm hit we spent all afternoon evacuated in a tent. Some Scouts' tents also got damaged or even destroyed by falling trees and flying branches, so we spent that night in a nearby barn. Many Cub Scout packs even went home a day early because of the chaos!


Also, I remember seeing someone use a match and a can of Aerogard (sp?) to make a flamethrower and torch some slug they found. Our group leader banned taking Aerogard and similar to all camps after that!

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