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My Thoughts On The Toa Mahri...



This is almost a rant. Almost.

I think it's funny how everyone was thinking: Mahri are trash. I loathe.

And I'm thinking: Hewkii is trash.

I admit, I want the Mahri, or at least some of them.

I actualy went to get some. They didn't have them, so I got Defilak and Dekar. Prime stuff. More on them, and their strange, messed upness in another entry.

So, here are my thoughts on the Mahri, in order of how much I hate them. Yeah... since they aren't the best, this is the way I'll do it.

Hewkii: Is trash. His mask is silly. It doesn't even have a mouth piece. I remember when Stone Toa were the color of stone. Would you believe it? Instead he's black and yellow, which is a good color scheme... for another element. And then he has red... red and yellow DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT mix. At all. Not a little bit. Eww. And his leg armor... don't get me started. Bad. His pieces are okay though, but what they create... *shudders*
Oh, yes. I like his feet. That is all.

Nuparu: Is boring. Meh... he's too much like the Inika. And his mask is weird looking too, but that's just me. His shield is awesome, much cooler than Lhikan's. I like his breathing pack. He and Kongu are the only ones that have them. The feet and arms make me drool... I mean, I've been needing those for MOCs...

Kongu: Is... well... he doesn't fit my idea for the character. Kongu has always been fast, and sleek. And now we get something that... isn't. It's "heavily armored like thick tank," or whatever. I LOVE the new eyepiece, and the breathing pack = win. I like the feet too. He's alright.

Hahli: Is sweet. All good here, except... well, I'm not a fan of the color scheme. I much prefered the white and blue of her Inika form. Her wings are awesome... her mask is cool... and I LOVE the new screens! I hope they will fit in other masks. It would be cool to put them in the Great Huna and Great Komau, so it would be like in the comics. Her claw is cool too.

Jaller: Is awesome. I LOVE his Hanah(sp?) crab. It's the first cannister to have a pet. Looks like the cordak would crush it, though. The sword is nice, and he looks good! His armor carries a V shape in a couple place, which gives it a nice, solid feel.

Matoro: = win! Awesome. Color scheme = win, weapons = win... and the legs... they are.... very nice. In love with the Inika armor. His mask is cool... I love it's smooth, plain look. Most masks are overly complicated... not this one. It's like the old ones... smooth... and of course, it has the buble inside it. He has lots of tubes, and I like tubes... in black, too. He is the only one who doesn't look stupid with the Cordak. Wonderful.

So... that's that.

See ya round!

(and yes, I'll stop typing in orange and blue...)


I just remembered! Nuparu has those new armor pieces on his legs and arms... not the best on him, but probably good for MOCing.


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Jaller's stomach is the same as Matoro's shoulders... but yeah, that's a good piece too.

No it isn't, it gets +10 for not being silver. :P

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Bad Bunny. Hewkii has a wonderful mask. It looks like a ray. It is therefore awesome.


Apart from that, he's trash though.



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Feh. My philosophy is that the sets' appearances don't matter, it's the parts that count. Thus, Huki and Nuparu are actually among the best Toa Mahri. I might even buy two Huki. (I don't like the new spelling...)





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I repeat. Hewkii's mask looks like a ray, and is therefore awesome.


I actually quite like the idea of it having no mouth, actually. I've been hoping for more variation in mask designs, and now we have just that.



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sorry, i dont agree with you at all.


as youve been saying, everyones been crying about how the mahri were trash.


but also, everyones been crying "boo hoo we want more customized toa"


we finally get them and "this is trash. ooh hes ugly. boo hoo why did lego betray us."


i am one of the only people (about 2 in 98%) that didnt complain about the mahri, and still praise them as LEGO Bricks best toa to this day. ive drove my parent crazy looking for them. i even got a guy at the lego store to get angry at me. :blink:


but what you saying is wrong. sure, he looks ugly. In all those pictures. do you have him yet?


so dont knock it till you build it.


i also thing kongu deserves heavy armor. he has two ranged weapons! i have learned in Kotor and Kotor2, that all ranged dudes need heavy armor, because they cant defend themselves as well if the enemy comes up close.



so thats all i have to say

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so dont knock it till you build it.

You can easily tell from the pics what the sets are like...that's the whole point of advertising. ;) And I can easily tell that I wouldn't enjoy the Mahri at all if I got them. They'd go straight into my MOCing boxes.




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so dont knock it till you build it.

You can easily tell from the pics what the sets are like...that's the whole point of advertising. ;) And I can easily tell that I wouldn't enjoy the Mahri at all if I got them. They'd go straight into my MOCing boxes.




so, thats u. it'd go straight to mocing. your a mocer. do all of your sets stay forever? probably not, they go to mocing. so why does that knock out mahri, when every set is sometime later used to moc?


also, the pictures may show everything, but until you get the set yourself, then maybe ull come to like it. i mean "dont judge a book by its cover"


btw, i have a million of those ^, so dont try me :P

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so, thats u. it'd go straight to mocing. your a mocer. do all of your sets stay forever? probably not, they go to mocing. so why does that knock out mahri, when every set is sometime later used to moc?
Because I wouldn't even bother building them, that's why. I think that, quite frankly, they're the worst sets Lego has produced.


also, the pictures may show everything, but until you get the set yourself, then maybe ull come to like it.
You said it yourself - the pictures show everything. The pictures clearly show that the Mahri are jumbled, have awful colour schemes, oddly designed weapons, spikes, blades, oversized rocket launchers, and bear absolutely no resemblance to the Matoran they once were. I don't need to actually buy the sets to work that out.


Sorry, Bunny...I sort of got a little carried away.



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Oh... but Matty Boy, I only bashed three of them. The other three are nice...

I've seen enough Bionicle over the years to know how they look by the pictures. It's easy.

So yes, I know Hewkii is bad, and Nuparu is too much like an Inika...

Kongu is not just heavily armored, that would be fine, he's too wide. He looks nice as a set, but I feel it isn't true to his character.

I actualy have hardly changed my oppinion on the Mahri since the begining...


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