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The Mahri Revisited

ToM Dracone


Now that the Mahri are occuring in stores, they have an amazing mini-site and animations of their own, and there's been plenty of time for my opinions on them to stew since their appearance at ToyFair, I figured I'd post my current thoughts on them.


Jaller – Ho hum. Not bad, but not exceptionally good either. I might get him – I never got Jaller Inika, so his Inika bits (the many of them) would be effectively new for my purposes... and the orange double-sockets I could use.


Kongu – Take the dark green, color it black, make it Nuparu, and I would not complain. In fact, it would be rather perfect. Except for the absurdly wide shoulders. I still think he looks like a quintessential Onu-Toa: short, bulky, wide-shouldered, large-masked, and with heavy weaponry. But this is utterly horrible as Kongu, who is supposed to be light, sleek, bright-colored, and tall. But in and of itself, it's not a bad set. The fact that he looks rather cool in the Mahri teaser animation tempts me... as do his recolored pieces...


Hewkii – Hewkii Mahri has a design that could be very cool. At the moment he has long, spindly arms, short, thin legs, and a wide, bulky torso and mask: not a good combination. But make his legs longer and bulkier, shorten and flesh out his arms, and rearrange his color scheme slightly, and he would look quite cool. The shape of his mask has grown on me (I still dislike the lack of a mouth connection), and I could use the spike ball halves and his black Inika feet for several MOCs. Those and the desire to revamp him to live up to his full potential mean I'm almost certain to get him.


Nuparu – The one Mahri I absolutely refuse to get. He has gaping holes in all his limbs and armor that is almost nonexistant from many angles; his mask is silver when no other part of his body is; his chest armor is misaligned with his hips despite the fact that the two were designed to be aligned. And I rather dislike how the Volitak looks in the first place. The silver Metru chest piece on his back is still strange (and the neon green clashes with his eyes and visor), but I like the principle – an air tank of sorts. His shield is his only redeeming quality in my eyes, since I can get black Piraka feet from Hydraxon.


Hahli – *angelic chorus* Solid dark blue Inika pieces. Wings. A totally awesome mask. Get rid of the red Cordak ammunition, and you have a strikingly cool color scheme. Replace the lime with light blue, and you have perfect Hahli.


Matoro – Matoro would be on the same level as Jaller if not for two interest-grabbing things: white Inika body and black tubes. Good color scheme. Nice claws. Interesting piece arrangements. Not perfect, but pretty good in my eyes... though he would, of course, be better straight-backed...



The Mahri mini-site does its job remarkably well: it makes the six look cool. Kongu looks remarkably good in the movie, Hewkii's form is striking in the animations in his game, and all six sitting in the Toa Chamber have an air of majesty and power... And so, as it currently stands... Hahli and Hewkii – definitely getting. Matoro – very likely. Kongu and Jaller – possible. Nuparu – utterly no.


Maybe I'll do another entry on the Titans and playsets, in the same vein as this one... At the moment I'm using the wallpaper of the empty iconic circle in the backgrounds of all the Mahri's canister shots. It's a very cool design. :D


*goes off Mahri-fishing again*

~ ToM


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Or, for Hahli, just get rid of the Cordak blaster altogether. :P Still, I'll agree that she's the best Mahri, and I think the dark blue looks good with the lime green.


The rest I've still got the same opinion on -- horrid. Jaller's only redeeming quality is his mask design. They completely killed who Kongu is, Matoro's been downgraded (I find it hard to believe that the Ignika's "Destined One" is a hunchback), and Hewkii still looks sloppy. And don't get me started on Nuparu.


Titans are cool. But you can cross the Toa Mahri off of my "To Get" list. I'm actually using the Maxilos wallpaper, since Makuta's new form just looks so cool. :P

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I can respect your opinion on every one except Kongu, even though I don't share them all. The one thing that bugs me about your Kongu review is the mention of how he's "supposed" to look. Has Kongu ever been pictured as your fantasies describe? Nay, he's always been as he is now: a hardened military figure, at ease with his dangerous job (think Private James Ryan from Saving Private Ryan). In '01 he led the Mata Nui equivalent of the Air Force, and showed very little similarity to the elflike, joking Matoran and Toa of Air we've been so plagued with since then. In '06, he finally began to resemble the harsh warrior whom we had gotten to know from the start. And now? Okay, his shoulders are too wide, but his mask and armor look as they should. As for his personality, it would be suffering Lewa Syndrome if not for his amazingly good description of why he acts as he does now in Bionicle Legends#7. I like Kongu as he is now, for his appearance now reflects his personality rather than merely his Koro.


Meanwhile, I like the Volitak. It looks very masklike compared to that Arthron that everyone seems to like (Not to say it isn't good, just that it's mixes things up a bit). And I'm glad you like Matoro.


Hewkii's the one that bugs me. It's not his mask so much as it is his arms. Not only are the lower arms different, they're not even the same color! In fact, I've pretty much decided not to give the Mahri new arm armor in my drawings, since the changes are too drastic.


With all due respect,

:vahi: Aanchir: Rachira of Time

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*agrees with ToM on almost every point*

Yay! Someone who thinks like me...

Hahli would look better with white than light blue, I think, but the blue sounds good too. I don't like Hewkii at all... but I agree he would be redeemable with a revamp. But the red clashes so much with the yellow... and the upper leg armor... is sad.

Matoro remains my fave. Then Jaller and Hahli... then Kongu... then... Nuparu and Hewkii. I think they are all craving revamps, which I intend to give them.


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Guest Phyoohrii


Hahli: The first water Toa to be better than all the others in a series IMO.


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Hahli's the only one I'm getting for the set alone.


I'm getting the rest (still doubting Matoro and Nuparu) so I can totally re-draw them to look somewhat decent. >>




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I can respect your opinion on every one except Kongu, even though I don't share them all. The one thing that bugs me about your Kongu review is the mention of how he's "supposed" to look. Has Kongu ever been pictured as your fantasies describe? Nay, he's always been as he is now: a hardened military figure, at ease with his dangerous job (think Private James Ryan from Saving Private Ryan). In '01 he led the Mata Nui equivalent of the Air Force, and showed very little similarity to the elflike, joking Matoran and Toa of Air we've been so plagued with since then. In '06, he finally began to resemble the harsh warrior whom we had gotten to know from the start. And now? Okay, his shoulders are too wide, but his mask and armor look as they should. As for his personality, it would be suffering Lewa Syndrome if not for his amazingly good description of why he acts as he does now in Bionicle Legends#7. I like Kongu as he is now, for his appearance now reflects his personality rather than merely his Koro.

But in 2001 and 2002, Kongu was my image of him – where else would I have gotten it? His light and fast manner and rapid and fluent Treespeak meant that he was constantly buoyant and lighthearted (but not jocular). In 2002, in the Bohrok animations, he and Tamaru were all but flying through the trees to lure on the Nuhvok – bouncing from branch to branch, doing somersaults in midair. He was leader of the Kahu Force indeed, and had a very quick mind to give orders as to what to do, but I would never call him harsh or hardened. Serious and a good leader during times of crisis, but otherwise – and sometimes during, like taunting the Nuhvok – he embodied the joy and energy of Le-Koro... especially in his Treespeak.


Kongu Inika was an good representation of him, aside from having neither of his trademark colors: he was lithe and flexible, like Kongu's energetic side; but the armor, Zamor launcher, and crossbow reflected his former position of leader of the Kahu Force. Kongu Mahri completely loses the former: he becomes short, stout, thick, and heavy, weighed down with heavy armament. There isn't a trace of Kongu's lightness about him. Even when commanding the Force, he wasn't grave (which, as I'm sure you know, literally means "heavy") and constantly grim, but this new form looks like both of them, and like he's about to sink to the bottom of the sea at the same time. Certainly the loss of his old, bright, vibrant color scheme changes his appearance enormously just by itself.



Bundalings ~ Well, as Hahli's original color scheme was light blue and dark blue, light blue is sort of the best secondary color to represent her... And yes, the red wreaks havoc on Hewkii's color scheme. :annoyed2: Sloppy, as Takatu put it, is a good way to describe Hewkii. Mismatched arms, as Aanchir said, splotches of red all over the place, silver in odd places (like his thigh armor), and unbalanced black and yellow-orange. Throw in the blue friction axle/pins, and you get... bleh. But all this could be so easily mended!

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Wiggle, you can't use a storyline excuse for set design. The flaw seems to be that the set designers don't know what they're creating...they just make the sets, and then character roles are assigned afterwards.


Forgive me if I'm wrong, but I think that's how it works.

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That is indeed how it works, which annoys me to no end. Why not, for instance, having decided that the blue Toa Mahri is Hahli, swap out the lime green for light blue to make her look like herself? I have no idea why not, but they didn't. They never do. The set designers make the sets, and voilà, they aren't changed, even if the simplest tweak would make them either look more like a character (like Hahli), or simply far better in appearance (like Hewkii).
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