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Comic Book Ritual.



I believe I have found a new ritual to perform while at Cape Cod. When I was little, my dad bought me two Superman comic books from the Stop and Shop on Cape Cod, though I can't remember what issues they are now... I still have them, though. And last year I bought a ton of Civil War Marvel comics from a store in Brewster (located very near the Cape). And now, I've purchased several comics. I'll start with the best.


Detective Comics issue #833: This is brilliant. A brilliant, brilliant plot with a surprise twist and great characterizations. It's written by Paul Dini, who worked on the DC Animated Universe, so I may be a tad biased, but it's still a work of art... Literally. Man, I'm buying the next issue. I really am, it'll be coming out while I'm here, plus I saw some pages in advance, and there's one of the greatest Joker lines of all time in it.


Punisher: War Journal (I don't remember the issue number): Man. It's a good read. The art is something I like- Punisher's new costume and the costume of the Hate-monger are great. Frank Castle has the look I consider to be the trademark look of a dangerously insane person in the comic books- wide open eyes with slightly yellow corneas, dilated pupils, thick eyebrows, a reddish face, a mouth open in a sort of angry expression, a sort of determined look. Awesome. The plot was veeeery interesting and took a cliffhanger of turns.


Superman/Batman (I forget the issue number): Confusing, but okay. Part of a story arc, so that was the main cause of confusion... But alright. The art was good.


Captain America (I forget the number again): Agh. Even more confusing. Nur. Not much explanation, just lots of nothing. Art was good as well.


Batman Confidential Issues 5 and 6: Oh... This is just... This is... It's AWFUL... They call this a comic book? The plot's awful! Lex Luthor mind controlling a robot body and attacking the US with giant robots! Batman flying in and hijacking the brain of a robot with stuff like the Geneva Convention, when that stuff probably doesn't even work considering what a place the DC Universe is! The artwork is shoddy and bland! Batman has dozens of lame Bat-Gadgets! He has a tiny little plane that takes down dozens of giant robots, for Yog-Sothoth's sake! AGH!

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.......That last one sounds like one of those really old 60's ones..........It kinda reminds me of the horrors that are the third and fourth Batman movies..........

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