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Creativity Contest 7. 05. 07.



Build a TransforMOC!!




Your MOC must be humanoid in one mode.


You may use up to 50% System in your design.


It must change between modes without removal of any parts except weapons.


NO animal based MOCs. Alternate mode MUST be a vehicle of some sort, be it airplane, car, or even a boat.


Prizes: I dunno. I'll decide after the voting is finished.


Deadline: Right now.





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Ah this is a challenging contest. Transformocs are tough to build and keep a good look to them. I may enter this one, I may not, still too early to tell. Liking the theme though dude, challenge = fun.

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*doesn't enter*


For one, we are getting ready to move.


For... two? I can't imagine that I have the skillz to build a transforMOC.


Too bad.



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So what exactly are the rules on how it transforms? Can you rearrange where each element attaches as long as you don't add or remove any pieces? It's all a bit fuzzy to me. :P



CT :pirate:

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@Jadis: The rule for transformations is the same as it was in the BBC contests. It must change between modes without removal of any parts except weapons.


@DV: The idea for the contest was inspired by the new movie, and there were no beastmorphs in it.




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No, I don't think I'l enter. Tohu is not ready, and besides that, I have a project to finish.

So, I'd like but... err... I can't.

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Yeah I read that part and it still didn't make absolute sense to me... what can I say? I'm dense. :P


I agree with DV, BeastFormers rule. ;)

Wasn't Scorponok(sp?) in the movie?

I'm fine with the rules though... it'll just make it more difficult for me. :rolleyes:



CT :pirate:

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>_> How many people are actually entering, anyhow?


But yeh. Mine is at about 50-60 percent. For my first try at a TransforMoC, it's coming out relatively well.



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Yeah I read that part and it still didn't make absolute sense to me... what can I say? I'm dense. :P


I agree with DV, BeastFormers rule. ;)

Wasn't Scorponok(sp?) in the movie?

I'm fine with the rules though... it'll just make it more difficult for me. :rolleyes:



CT :pirate:


Yeah, Scorponok was in the movie, but he never transformed.





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Well, I'm basically done with mine. I'll probably end up tweaking it some more but not much.

Whew! Spent most all day working on it and I'm now exhausted and ready for bed. I've decided I officially don't like TransforMOCs... they're a pain. I still kinda like how it turned out though. Especially the robot form.

I might post it tomorrow if I'm satisfied... or I might wait, you never know.


CT :pirate:

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Of course, since I'm running the contest, I can't enter, but I'm still working on a TransforMOC. I'll post it after the contest is over, since I'm gonna be tweaking it for a while.


Currently listening to: Canada's Really Big - Arrogant Worms




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That stinks. Why does running it mean you can't enter anyway? I'm sure there's some highly political reason and such...

Did you make (but not enter) one for the last contest?

Well I'll be excited yo see yours whenever you post it.


Currently listening: The Haunting- Kamelot

(Yeah, so I feel like being a copycat :P )



CT :pirate:

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I suppose it would only be unfair if I was running and judging the contest at the same time. But since it's voting, it might just work.


One thing, though. If I end up entering, and somehow win, second place will get the prize. It would be sorta unfair otherwise, since I'm giving out the prize in the first place.


Currently listening to: Trigger Happy - "Weird Al" Yankovic




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Hey, sounds good to me. :)

It's been fun chatting, but I'm off to bed.

Hopefully I'll post my entry tomorrow.


Currently listening: Abandoned- Kamelot



CT :pirate:

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I made a near perfect transformer back a few months ago.


And a few hours ago I drew a highly detailed esgin for one.Hope to get tis desgin runnin.


OH snap!No animals...Im gonna sit down for a few hours and make a prototype bonecrusher.

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i saw the movie and it was awesome. and venomess was right, scorpinax stayed as the scorpion the whole movie.



im not's sure if this one will be an easy one, but ill try.

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Great theme.
I'll enter, not until after Tohu is finished though :tohu: , I haven't even started working on him yet. :P

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Ok, so thats 11: 59 PM or 12: 00 AM on the first?


Anyway, i've never done a transforMOC before but i'll do my best with this.

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11:59 will be the last minute that you can post your entry.


Progress update: Ripped apart the design for the third time. MOC is now motorbike based. Possible gunship/space fighter morph if motorbike doesn't work.




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11:59 will be the last minute that you can post your entry.


Progress update: Ripped apart the design for the third time. MOC is now motorbike based. Possible gunship/space fighter morph if motorbike doesn't work.




Wait, your letting yourself enter?

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No, I'm just building a TransforMOC for the fun of it. I actually started right after I first saw the movie, which was a day or two before I started the contest.




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