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Creativity Contest 7. 05. 07.



Build a TransforMOC!!




Your MOC must be humanoid in one mode.


You may use up to 50% System in your design.


It must change between modes without removal of any parts except weapons.


NO animal based MOCs. Alternate mode MUST be a vehicle of some sort, be it airplane, car, or even a boat.


Prizes: I dunno. I'll decide after the voting is finished.


Deadline: Right now.





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We can post them after the contest, si?


Entry Pic: Here





I didn't have time to make the entry pic all fanciful or nothin.

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So like now? Yay! Let the good times roll.






Edit: Also, if you want, I can handle the voting for this one.

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Okay so I didn't have time to take pics today and now I'm too tired. :P

It might actually be a while before I decide to take them... it may be my least favorite part.

But it will happen eventually!



CT :pirate:

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Well my entry is coming along well. I am going to do some more customness, and perhaps add more armor. Also it doesnt transform too smoothly.

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Ok, i guess i cant host mine at brickshelf if the voting is in august. I'll use my freewebs from now on...


Oh... I cant wuite get my entry right now. I'll post it later.



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It hasn't been confirmed. It might be going down, it might not.


I guess you could use Maj, but be sure to have a backup of your pics just in case.




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Main Pic





I'm using Photobucket for mine. It works well, and is easier to use than Maj, a little. You can upload three pics at a time, and stuff like that.

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Woot! Forums back up! :happydance:

So are you gonna give a new deadline for this contest since we haven't been able to get on to enter?

I hope so... I'm really pumped about my entry. :)

And maj is still up I believe.



CT :pirate:

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Ok, since the forums were offline, I've improved my MOCing skill, A LOT, let's say to the best of my MOCing abilities. Now, my entry doesn't seem MOCish to me anymore. So I don't want to enter it. But you could put it up if you want to Cort, or if there's not enough entries, then you can put it up for voting.


EDIT: Please change my name on the MOCist club list. ;)

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Could we enter an object like a cell-phone, watch, MP3
player, gun, video game controller, space satellite etc.

Any one of those objects, possibly others, because in
the movie frenzy's a radio/CD Player thingy.

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I don't think I'll be able to make it in time,

I have to go somewhere in about a half hour or so.


I'll still be makin' the MOC though.



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Aww... Skittles!!! :( when was this contest posted? I would've tried to enter. I've never built a transfomer MOC before, this would have given me an excuse to make one.
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Even though the deadline has been extended for about the 500th time :P (not really),

I have officially decided not to enter this one. :(


I'm just going to wait for the next one. (*sits down and starts waiting*)


Just an idea for when you actually finish this contest,


Make an MOC having something to do with Ca'gerrin

or that sci-fi thingie in your latest entry. :unsure:



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Man, some stuff just came up that I have to deal with. Looks I like can't take advantage of the extension and enter. :(
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