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Wow. Have To Record This.



This dream last night. Is amazing. I have to record it...


One dream, I had to get two shots. One was for some disease with the name "Jack" somewhere in it. The other was for the same disease, but for Type 2. I could have also gotten another shot, for the Type 3 of the same disease. But that dream is normal compared to the other one.


It starts out with me reading the latest Bionicle book in the woods. Electric Turahk is nearby, but I don't know why. GregF appears, and ET asks him a question about some part of the storyline I don't know (so behind). Then, Greg snatches the book I'm reading, looks up something, and answers ET's question. ET leaves. Every now and then, he and other staff, including Makaru, wander by my location. Eventually I find out that they are looking for a powerful artifact. It is said to be hidden inside a yellow, grey, and purple camera, under a similarly colored bench, which is near "the temple."


I go off in search as well, and eventually I find the camera (though later ET is with me, so I'm not sure if we both found it, or if he was just trying to get it away from me). The camera is of the right coloring. It has two lenses, as it is both a digital camera and one with film. Sitting down somewhere in this woodland campsite, we unscrew one of the lens caps, and find the object, which is apparently a rubber ring.


After that, I played some trick on ET that put me in power somehow. Also around here somewhere, I took a picture of Makaru and one of ET, in case I needed their pictures to identify them to the law.


Note: I saw my mom at some point where we were camped, but forget where.


Recommended Comments

Wow, thats a crazy dream. However, I must confess I had an odd dream about a few BZP folks one time. I will not mention who though :P.

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