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Home From Cape Cod



Got back from the lovable region of Cape Cod around 12:50 today, and the trip was quick. Every since they got rid of that Sagamore Bridge Rotary the trip's been faster. No nasty traffic. This morning, we cleaned up the beach house and all with our relatives, and then we packed everything into the car. We had breakfast at this great diner called Larry's P.X. Restaurant, and we got our meals quickly. That place makes great pancakes.


We were on the road, and my sister was whacking everybody frequently, due to her love of the whole Punch Buggy thing.


The vacation itself was great, as chronicled in my previous entries. However, I'm inclined to ponder something: How, in the space of several weeks since I saw them on Father's Day, two of my cousins who live in Massachusetts (who are sisters of one another) changed from, in the case of the older one, pleasant to arrogant, rude, and irritating, and in the case of the younger one, from only moderately annoying, to whiny, loud, and mouthy. The older cousin was rude to everybody including her own parents (her mother is my father's sister) and behaves like since she's the third oldest youth (she would be second youngest, but my uncle from Colorado's daughter from a marriage before he met my aunt came on the vacation) she has to prove she's better at everything and that everybody else is just a moron. The younger one's got an indecipherable Boston accent and a speech problem, and she speaks extremely loudly. Not that that's a problem, but unfortunately, she's gotten pushy and whiny. Which goes awfully with the aforementioned factors. Now, I'm not making "baseless judgements", mind you, I've known both of them all their lives. I was with them for a whole week, too, so I do in fact have a rational basis for my statement.

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