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Hoot Hoot... Night Owl Post... First Of A Few, Too



Typing Start-- Approx. 3 AM PST

Status-- Experiencing insomnia due to a creative rush that is a side-effect of watching nearly ten episodes STRAIGHT of imported anime. I will not specify just what I watched, kree. Nar.


This isn't my first blog, I'll say that much. Seeing as B-Rex-sama has allowed the whole of BZP to live it out like kings for a week, may as well try out the water, kree.


I'll say now that I like it so far. Nyeh heh. *grin*


Now... where to begin?


I guess I could afford to bore the lot of you a bit, assuming as I won't have access to this forever.


Right now, I'm just typing out some ideas for a pet project of mine... Ack. Don't start that! *slaps self* I'll be talking your guys's ears off for hours over something that should not even be mentioned here! ... forget I said that...


Yeah. I know. I COULD use the delete key, but that'd ruin the fun in this.


My day? ... too generic, but considering my options... eh.


I woke up grouchy and ill, and recovering from a 'showdown' situation from the day before. (I will not go into details about the said situation... Thank you for asking though.)


I spent most of the day goofing off when I should have been working (... I'd shoot myself just for that. Why I haven't yet is beyond me.) and I've been bearing a killer grudge all day. Nearly tore me apart the longer I hung around where I got that grudge. ... Anger clouds judgement and taints sincerity. It was near impossible to cleanse that rage out of my already weakened system.


Thankfully, my clan had plans and I tagged along. It really helped take my mind off things.


Yeah. If that rage wasn't dealt with, this opening post would have me flaming, blasting, and ripping random people's heads off... Not pretty, so I'll stop talking about that. *nervous grin*


Oi oi. I should be in bed. *yawn*


I see you're all sleepy, too. *grin* Good. My job is done.


End of Typing -- 3:20 AM


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Man, Mout... Much love for you, but your temper is near constant. :blink: Not that I should be one to talk, what with my mood swings and all. :P
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Man, Mout... Much love for you, but your temper is near constant. :blink: Not that I should be one to talk, what with my mood swings and all. :P

Kree. I'm OLD, Schizo-sama. I have long since learned how to cope with my mood swings, plus the part of me you see in pattern and prose is pre-filtered and thought over very carefully. Had I no conscience, I'd be as bad (if not worse than) a particular artist that got the boot a few years ago just for being moody.


Heck, I know I could be worse. I am. That's what scares me. *shudder* Saying what's off the top of my head is a bad juju. A forum or text-based chat allows me a chance to refrain from looking like a total knuckle-head... most of the time. ^^;;


Oh great. My ego's loose.


Ego: NAR!


Where's my rifle?!



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Right there. *bang*


Man, I don't like this feature

that slices the comments in half!



Is your screen resolution at 800x600, Wysp-san? That might be part of the problem. ^^;;



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