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VBS - GAME DAY CENTRAL: 1 of 5 days completed alive. Sanity: Whole.


Ah, VBS. That awesome time of insanity and excitement that drains all the adult and youth workers who participate in it.


But hey, it went well for its first day. We have around 230 kids enrolled so far, with more coming tomorrow. To save time and frustration, we had to merge the Worship/Teach-the-songs-and-motions section with the Opening, and it worked fairly well, as the motions this year are much easier to remember.


And Drama went well. *collapses with relief*


I'm the bad guy-who-eventually-turns-into-a-good guy. And I got a T-Shirt with "Nikira" painted on the back.


It's a secret. Shh. <<


I teach 2nd-grade this year with two other gals. A great big class of 20+ and whoo-hoo, I only have one overly-annoying child to get after this year! =D


But yeah... 4 hours of constant action and moving and what-not went pretty smoothly.


Then I came home, collapsed onto my bed, and slept peacefully for 5 hours. Curse my iron levels. >> I actually didn't wake up until my cat jumped up onto my blankets and screamed into my ear. Not suprisingly, I had locked myself and my feline into my room, and my cat was extremely hungry. ;;




So yeah, I got it worked out with my folks, so I'm going off to the doctor's office tomorrow afternoon to get some blood work done (I can't take an iron supplement without doctoral permission - an overdose on unnecessary iron could kill me.).


I haven't had to have blood work done since I was 5. Yay for me. :P




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Hmm... I wouldn't mind getting involved at my Church's VBS... But we're not really given the opportunity. Meh.


ANd hey, good luck with the iron. ;)



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I don't necessarily have a choice in the matter of teahcing or not teaching sometimes - my father is one of the head honchos on the VBS crew. :P



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I used to be in charge of the recreation at my last VBS. It was... tiring. All I can say is that I was glad that I wasn't in the drama. Those 2nd graders sure are critics. :P What is the main theme for yours?
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Drama is fuuuuun. :)


It's just sports in general - Missions focuses on baseball, Drama on basketball, and Rec and Art just have a managerie of thing- we're teaching them how to be real-life heroes and using sport legends and Bible characters as examples. :D



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Just a couple weeks ago, my mom volunteered me to help with the youngest group at our church's VBS, at least I remembered my flashing glasses from the Dollar Store. :D

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My VBS was done several weeks ago. Our was a water theme. And Pirates vs Ninjas vs Robots vs Monsters.


(I think the church council is getting pressured for ideas...) >_>


You wouldn't by any chance be going to momentum, would you?

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