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Kongu Mahri



I thought I might post this somewhere where it won't be drowned in "no yuo shut-up heis beast toa evur!!!!!! :angry: :drooling: :lookhere: "


If you are going to disagree, please do so civilly.


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XD @ observations


But even though you do make good points... I still like him. Don't really have a reason, he just strikes me as cool.

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You're using an outdated image. Kongu now has armor on the front of his arms, instead of the back, while the ammo has also changed position.


Here is my opinion on Kongu:


The thing on the back of his head is cool. The ammo on the arms, I don't like, if it has to be there it shouldn't be sticking out like that, it looks weird. Also, the silver thing should have been on the front. I mean, why does he need extra armor protecting his back? Shouldn't he be a little more concerned about the front?


Grey is fine, but a Toa of Air that short is not. Kongu is one of my least favorite Toa Mahri, but I like his mask. It looks like Defilak's Kualsi mixed with a green Ruru, but better.

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I know not how to word this, but he looks much better in person. I think that he and Nuparu swapped bodies. It would look so much better as... not a toa of air. :P
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This entry is made of win. If I had one of those approval seals, I'd give you it.


Interesting observations, though the line for where the elbows should be should be a bit higher up.

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Woah! You are right... even though I don't think his breathing pack looks like a beer hat... whatever. You didn't mention the pieces... which are nice... but I guess it was just a set review thingie.

In fact, you are so right, I took the trouble to make you this:
Guard it, and keep it well. That bunny could wreck your computer wires if it should ever escape.

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This entry is made of win. If I had one of those approval seals, I'd give you it.

's all right ET, you can borrow one of mine:



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I agree completely!


Though you are using a poorly-arranged semi-prototype photo; you might be better off with one that has his arms the right way around...

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So many good points, Shine! My biggest complaint is probably bley.


EDIT: Now that I think about it, he kinda is wearing a soda drinking hat, except the hat's holding water, not soda. :P



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I posted in that topic explaining my standing, but I know better than to continue my argument. My only reason for posting there was so that I wouldn't have to rant about it so much elsewhere (So far, I've had to explain my standing in both your blog and a few others). The "why does everyone hate Jaller Inika's mask" topic a while back also sided me among my fair share of noobs, but at least there were also a great deal of people on both sides who were willing to listen to the other side's evidence, and, moreover, to come up with evidence of their own rather than throwing around insults and agreements blindly.


- :vahi:


EDIT: COngrats, Shine, you have managed to denounce Kongu Mahri without even mentioning that nonsense about his having a fun-loving, joking demeanor, or the delusion that all Le-Matoran should have such a personality (and matching appearance) Consider yourself the winner of the first ever

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I'd suggest that all of you who hate Kongu Mahri go to that topic and post, but sadly I fear that any sane posts made by anyone will be swept away in a wave of noobishness (i.e. none of the posters will read the topic before speaking their mind anyway). That's why I haven't made any posts since my first.


It happened to me in the Calix topic, and it was my luck that there were enough sane members there to quote me, so that my posts would be more easily noticed.


- :vahi:

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I just got Kongu Mahri, along with the other five. Kongu is easy. I mean, really easy. Getting the pieces out of the box was more challenging than building the set.

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