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What? I Was Botw? About A Month Ago? My Head . . .

Little Miss Krahka


My blog was Blog of the Week like, a month ago.


I discovered this today.


I discovered this by searching for "Krahka" with the new and magical search engine thing.


I was not searching for myself, for once. I was searching for any fanfic whatsoever that involved Krahka that I haven't already read.


I did not find any.


I did, however, find out that THE MAN could read my drafts.


What the devil.


Yes, I do have like, more draft posts than blog posts.


Here is some of what they contain, at least, the ones that are not incriminating.



1. 100 random pointless facts about me that you never wanted to know. This is entirely completed. However, I completed it for my own personal blog, so therefore, the original involved a great deal of swearing. And I don't really feel like censoring it right at the moment so that youngin's can see it without getting blisters in their eyes.


2. CRACK PAIRINGS. Axxon/Roodaka! OTP! This is uncompleted because I have no idea what BZPower's policy on non-explicit slash is. If they're okay with it, then this entire blog is from here on in devoted to the wonders of Onewa/Nuju/Whenua.


3. Chose Your Own Music Ramble! The choices are Destroyer, The Dismemberment Plan and Chumbawamba. Possibly others, when I think of them.


4. Two seperate entries about two different playlists that steal from Hahli Husky's Soundtrack To Your Life shuffle meme. Only I chose them specifically.

The two playlists consist of the high-budget version, in which many different bands are represented, and the low budget version, which only has songs by Destroyer.


5. The hilarious that is my sister's ex-boyfriend. Who is a total moron. And is hilarious.


6. SELL YOUR FAN FIC. Because no one bothers to put in summeries in their fics.


7. Ahhhh, more bands . . .


8. Some more bands . . .


9. Final Fantasy! Which is a band! HAHA!


10. And something about the infamous Vampire game I was in.


11. Where I hid the body.






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