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Okay, I'm losing my MIND here.


1. dON'T USE cAPSLOCK! If you want to EMPHASIZE a word, all caps it. If you want to say, "HEY COME TAKE A LOOK AT THIS EVERYBODY!" caps it. If you're saying "THIS IS MY NEW ART TOPIC. WHAT DO YOU THINK." Do NOT use caps! All caps is ANNOYING.


2. dont we al hav som prgoram wit spal cakc? y cant u al a tlest tri 2 us spel chak? r wud it hrt 2 lern the rite wya 2 pel a wrod th ehrad way?


3. Do you have to be the first? Originality is admired, but unless you've gone through every single topic on this board from the beginning of time and double checked and searched and sorted and resorted, how would you know you're first? Can anyone honestly say "I'm the first one to do this!"? And if you are, so? Freezing has been done ages ago, movies of every kind have been done ages ago, comics of every kind have been done ages ago... I doubt being "first" really matters anymore.


4. Irrelevant details don't negate constructive criticism or non-positive comments! If someone says "You should have colored in Gali better," saying "That isn't Gali" doesn't mean you shouldn't have colored it in better anyway. If someone says "I think his arm is too bulky" saying "Well she's actually a girl" doesn't mean the arm is no longer too bulky (and it also says something about your skill in differentiating genders).


5. Group efforts are also admired, but if you can't do anything yourself and will spend all the time delegating tasks to more skilled people, why start a project in the first place? If you're making a movie and you say "I need voices, animators, and writers," then what exactly is your role and what makes you in charge of the project? Yeah, you had the little spark of an idea at first, but are you really going to be doing much? Are you going to assist in the concept art or will the artists do that? Will you develop long character profiles or will the writers do that? If you already have a group of friends assembled, go on ahead. If you can do a large part yourself, go ahead. If you're going to post a topic titled "Mye Nuw Movee" and the content reads "ok lewa11 ur doing the animashon" then don't even start the topic because it's spam! What makes you think people will be attracted to your project anyway, if you have nothing to show? Sure, being a manager is a good skill to have, but honestly, you can't sit back and let everyone else do the work, and at the end say "ok tish wuz mi movee"


6. What happened to no repeating answers in NMQ&A and elsewhere? If someone posted while you were typing, well darn, better luck next time, but that's fine. If you post something related but new, great, more information is alwasy good. But if all the posts are hours old and you come and say "yep, do what they said and I hope you figure it out," what did you contribute to solving the problem?


7. Being excited or happy or enthusiastic about something is great! What is not great is stretching the screen with a size 7 356-character long shout of joy. Or going on a spammy excited rampage, maxing your emoticon limit on random emotes involving coffee and Canada and winning first place (unless you did).


8. Avatars and sigs do deserve credit from whoever made them. If you took them off of somebody's B-shelf gallery, that's probably not good, unless they're stock LEGO official images.


9. Naturally, don't steal art. But don't go for the absurdly lazy way out. If it took you one click to produce this materpiece of an edit, even though you had to ADJUST OPTIONS, you probably could have done more. If you're going to take official Lego images and put them up as avatars/sigs, especially without even cropping them properly, I'm sure most other people with a decent image program could have done that themselves. Edits, even without complicated photomanipulation techniques, can look wonderful, if you really put some thought into it.


10. Best is subjective. Awesome is subjective. Amazing is subjective. Masterpiece is subjective. Being a master of something is subjective. Really cool is subjective. People have their own opinions, so let them form them for themselves.


I'm really sorry if I sound like I'm being mean or anything, but these little things these days just get on my nerves...




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Indeed. I s'poze some people don't bother to read the rules, especially in the Artwork forum, so they have to learn the hard way. I think that perhaps they should read this entry first - it explains a lot of common sense type stuff. Useful. ^_^



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I myself gave up on asking for credit cause only 80% did so, so now I don't ask for credit. People know my sigs when they see them anyways, so it doesn't matter.


Great set of rules/guidlines, I'll be sure to try and follow them. =D

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Lyger gets a prize.


Seriously, I wished more people thought before they typed, portrayed their ideas clearly in their topic/posts/whatever, and used a bit more common sense before they posted. It would save a ton of frustration. >>



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Awesome. Because if you look at every other member, they probably do 75% of that.


Seriously, look at all the noobs here. All they care about is having the most posts, getting proto, and being on staff. It's crazy and it really ticks me off.

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A bit off topic here, but in my opinion, hilarious- There's a small scratch on my computer. Hardly noticable. But I noticed it, and it was over McSpit's i dont get it banner, making it look angry! Because the scratch is slanted and all.


So, Spitty, make an angry i dont get it banner.


Then again, you already have wat u meen, but still.


Oh, and yeah, I agree with Spitty, since he agrees with me. :P

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