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High Alert



T-Hybrid has locked himself away in a secluded location. He has asked his guest writer to take up the reigns for the time being.


As the little note said, T's gone into hiding. The last Harry Potter book's hittin stores in a week and he's doing his best to keep off the internet. Every day I hear more and more about "spoiler" this and "who dies" that. And so here I am standing outside the New Haven making sure the riff raff doesn't get in and ruin everything for him.


I don't know how long he expects me to do this, but he can be stubborn when he's looking forward to something. You should've seen him when somebody ruined the ending to Matrix: Revolutions. He wouldn't shut up about that. "Who the heck puts Matrix spoilers in a Pokemon thread?" he yelled. Still liked the movie, but you could tell he was crushed.


You should see the plan he's got to get in and out of Target the day it comes out. See, the book launches at midnight worldwide. That means the UK's gonna be gettin it a good 5 hours before the States. And he can't find any place that's open at midnight (that's not also holding off until 2am to sell the book). So instead he's got his reservation at Target, and he's going to be wishing to find a way to teleport pretty soon. All I can say is if this gets ruined, I don't think even I'm gonna be able to cool T-Boss off.


So pardon the big guy's rudeness if he doesn't say much over the next few weeks. He's essentially fallen off the Internet for the time being.


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I've been reading the Harry Potter Topic intently, how could anyone have spoilers? If they're all just theories, then I wouldn't be bothered. If it isn't, I'd like to know how people got the information.

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I've been reading the Harry Potter Topic intently, how could anyone have spoilers? If they're all just theories, then I wouldn't be bothered. If it isn't, I'd like to know how people got the information.

There are rumors circling that somebody somehow hacked into something or other. And this is that point in the game where leaks start getting out. Or somebody gets a copy early. And with how big this book's gonna be, you know there are going to be spoilers FLYING the moment it hits shelves.


In other news:

Caught my second shiny a few days ago. Same place...same Pokemon. Man, it makes the first one less special to catch another one just like that.

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Snape kills Dumbledore.

I can't wait for the 6th movie to come out. Everybody there will be sitting in the theater just WAITING for it to happen. If anything, it'd be the coolest marketing campaign ever. I can picture it now. A huge banner with "Snape kills Dumbledore: 7/12/8"

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I just let my sister read the book, then put her on a sugar high and probe for all the spoilers. :P It never bothers me.


Well, we'll be seeing him a week then! Or perhaps only a couple of days...

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Snape kills Dumbledore.

If anything, it'd be the coolest marketing campaign ever. I can picture it now. A huge banner with "Snape kills Dumbledore: 7/12/8"

That. Would. Be. AWESOME! :P



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Well, we'll be seeing him a week then! Or perhaps only a couple of days...

The Haven will be abiding by strict Anti-Spoiler rules until either I finish reading the book, or the 28th. Whichever comes last. Basically, you'll know its good to go when I post my obligatory "Holy COW!" entry. ;)


While I'm reading the book, I may stop into the Haven occasionally. But that's probably the only place on BZP I'll go. But ruin the book for me, and I will find where you live.

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But that's probably the only place on BZP I'll go. But ruin the book for me, and I will find where you live.

I am so tempted to actually post spoilers now, just to see if your committed to this act. :P



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I just can't believe it will all be over in less than a week...


I'm really hoping I can avoid all spoilers - I'll be getting the book that day(via amazon), but I work for 8 hours on Saturday...so I have to really hope no one says anything at work...

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