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2008 Set List



Do NOT PM me for it. I will NOT give it to you. greg doesn't want it going around.

I have gotten 2 PMs so far. The awnser is NO.

I am going to follow the rules and not spread this around.

Please do not PM me any further about the 08 Sets. It's only wasting your time and mine, since im not going to reveal them.


EDIT: The next person to PM me about it will be reported to an Admin. Thanks.


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I saw it on a site thatdue to wishes of Greg and the Admins, will remain nameless.

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Edited: Dude, that's pretty much going to tell people where to get it.

It's common sense. Get over it. <_<


To me it looks like you WANT people to PM you... you shouldn't have posted this at all.

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I hope you are aware by posting this you attracted many, many more PMs. You're pretty much telling people to PM you. As if you're lying and actually want to tell them. Now, that wouldn't be nice, would it?

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Actually, I've gotten ZERO Pms. Even if i do, I will reply to them telling them "No" and possibly report them.


greg, TLC, and Staff dont want it out. I will not be giving it out.

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What everybody is saying is, why bother posting this entry? It essentially has the reverse effect. I had no idea you had any information before, and now I do, and reverse psychology plays into it as well.

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Oh gosh, this is the most obvious thing in the world. You want folks to PM you. This entry makes you look somewhat like an arrogant show-off.


But just in case it's true that you don't want folks to PM you, you shouldn't have said anything about it in the first place. ;)

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I am sick and tired of these comments.


I made this entry to get it thought these people that im not going to give out set names. Ever since then i havent got any PMs about it.



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