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In every topic that relates to your personal opinion of a set, one person seems to come up with the excuse that "such-and-such isn't true BIONICLE." Why is this? Because some people are so insistent upon having sets follow tradition that they have to make excuses for why the present is not a criterion in the future's tradition.


I'm not trying to discredit the topic starter in particular, but rather the whole illusion that "some sets are more BIONICLE than others."


I hope the future holds better things for the sets forum.


With all due respect,

:vahi: Aanchir: Rachira of Time.


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Well said. :flagusa:


Members who spend all their time complianing need to get lives.


Nah. Just the people who complain in ways as bad as this.


If it's BIONICLE, it's BIONICLE, and not liking it doesn't make it cease to be real. End of story.


- :vahi:

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Interesting points. Sometimes opinions are right, and sometimes they don't make sense. I have argued over things, but there are reasons behind things and I probably shouldn't complain about things I can't control.

But you do make good points.



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