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Tufi Piyufi


So maybe I'm at a loss for titles right now.


And also at a loss for sig... I'm right on the edge of the ol' '100-post sig change', and once again... no clue. Well, actually, some clue. The current leader's a quote from good ol' Socials, but then I'm also contemplating yet more Elvis Costello lyrics... But then again, how many times have I borrowed some lines from him?


Okie, yeah. Socials quote it is, in all its glorious lack of context. Now to wait for the crossover to 6800. Woo.


To counter the big batwing annoyance from one post ago... spiky ball. Yes, I went ahead and plunked down the ridiculous amount of money CAD for that guy just for the spiky ball parts. I admit it. I'm sure I'll find uses for the other stuff... but cripes, I needed that spiky ball. Oh yes. All this time, I've wanted some manner of spiky-ball-on-chain weapon, and now I have it. It'll pop up at some point in pictures, I'm sure. The design itself is nothing too spectacular: just a couple chain pieces with the spiky ball attached to one chain. The beauty is in the simplicity, however, and it truly is a lovely little weapon...


I just went on for a relatively full paragraph about a weapon made of Lego. Figures. :blink:


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Buying a full set just for a mace? You gotta start watching yourself.


~MKal :voyanui:

Better $15 for two pieces than over $100 for two other pieces, though, you must admit.


That Batmobile will drive me insane, I swear...

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That Batmobile will drive me insane, I swear...

I know a really good rehab center, want the address? ^_^


That mace is pretty kewl... I totally forgot there are new Knights Kingdom sets... XD

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Buying a full set just for a mace? You gotta start watching yourself.


~MKal :voyanui:

Wouldn't be a first for me either. Sometimes a single part is just too cool not to give in and spend money on a set you don't need as a whole. In the end, you'll find you can find uses for the 'baggage' parts as well.

*remembers buying his first KK set*

Not always, though. :P

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Wouldn't be a first for me either. Sometimes a single part is just too cool not to give in and spend money on a set you don't need as a whole.
Indeed, that's why I own two of the Voyatoran; albeit, they're only about $4 each here. I like to think of some LEGO sets as art supplies, just cheaper in price... and more than one use. ^_^


©1984-2006 Toaraga EAM


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Poor Tufi...


We were testing blog mdoeration abilities and her blog got to be the guniea pig. :P

Yeah, this is a settling thing to come home to. 14+ hours at school, then I see 'Tufi's blog' and 'guinea pig' in the same sentence, and... well. This day refuses to end. :blink:


It doesn't matter one bit that everything seems intact minus some temporal shifting. No. Never. I'm still not gonna be sleeping very well tonight. One eye open. Bucket of water on the door. Double-sided duct tape on the blog. Thanks a lot, guys. :P

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Better $15 for two pieces than over $100 for two other pieces, though, you must admit.


That Batmobile will drive me insane, I swear...


Y'know, there are places online where you can just buy pieces. They're a lot cheaper than buying a whole set for a couple pieces. ;)


Also, that's a really bad pun. :P



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I know of such sites, yeah: it's the ability to order from them that I don't have. But, as mentioned in a reply-comment in the Batmobile post, that's what Lego clubs are for: to squeeze in to the orders of those who can. ^_^


And nothing better than a good pun now and then. Whee.

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One set just for two pieces? I can think of worse. Like buying a set for just one piece. Or Dracus mainly for his unquestionable spiky shoulder armor in black glitter. But that's not worse. Oh well.


And remind me not to be in the same room with you next time you're in a bad mood. Not that I ever seem to be in the same room in the first place, but a spiky-ball-on-a-chain weilded by Tufi-in-a-bad-mood wouldn't end well for anyone else in the room.


... On second thought, spiky-balls-on-chains can and do do a lot of damage. So maybe the next county would be safer.


And puns are severely underrated by the general populace.

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