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What Is A Community?



14/ 1/ '08


This is being revived because of dissagreements I have seen between members, though the most recent one was with Necro vs Omicron. I urge all to read this, and relize the importance of union.






22-23/ 7/ '07





What is a community?


Community, (n); A society of people having common rights and privaleges, or common interests, etc.


It gives other definitions, such as :

A group of animals or plants living together in the same environment.

but I think we will pass on that. :P


Now, with the first definition, we can plainly see that BZP is indeed a community. We are governed under rulers who impose our rights, privaleges and common interests. We even are called an 'online community.' But this blog entry will go beyond all that. I will take through a list of the things that make BZP and other forums a community and what we can do to preserve that. Note that we are an online community, and not an out-of-line community. This blog entry will do my talking for that matter. Now, shall we begin?



First Iteration: What does a community do?


Just what does a community do? Well, as the name would imply, we. as a community, commune. We commune by being together, by massing ourselves here, by communicating. Get it? A community is created as a way for others to commune with one another. As my big hunkin' book says,


Commune, (n); to converse, to talk to another familiarly; to impart sentiments mutualy; to interchange ideas and feelings


In the middle ages, communities were created to eek out an agrarian existance and suply the higher ranks with food, supplies, etc. Heck, in France they even called what we refer to as towns "communes." The fact of the matter is, communities are created to commune. BZPower was created, as almost every other forum, as a place for others to commune with one another. BZP was meant for Bionicle as what Paris was created as a cultural center of France. The realtion is remote, but you get the idea. :]



Second Iteration: What makes a community a community?


Simply enough, communion and communuication. We communicate here through PMs, forums, IMs, sigs, e-mails-- alot of ways. We found each other in some way or another here on BZP or another forum and got going from there. This was a good thing, as from there a pair was formed and a communion was formed. This goes a long way in a forum, because normally in that communion comes friendship and respect, something I am a staunch defender for. This then goes into a forum and grows, that relation imparting itself with others.


In truth, a community is a networking of relations-- a spiderweb, to be simple. Everyone knows someone who knows someone. It is this set of bonds and relations that keep a forum going at its best. Can you imagine what would happen if everyone here at BZP would not get along with each other? From two newbies dissagreeing, to AvohkiiLight and I becoming enemies, to B6 and BRex flaming at each other, to Kelly and Jon bickering over the ownership of BZP. That would be chaos, albeit funny right now. But it would not be one bit funny if that were to happen now, would it?



23/ 7/ '07


Second Iteration (continued)



So, in essence, a community is a net of relations and connections, and without these connections community cannot ans will not function. As my oldest blog entry, Respect-- Why I Use It and Why You Should, Too stated, respect is the building block of community. Relation is the mortar that holds the block in place. The tower of community is the result, as exempilfied in how BZP is; a giant among minnows. But we should remember that even the strongest towers can indeed be toppled.



Third Iteration: Empires toppled


Once again, France is the Guinea pig. Bofore the French Revolution, France was rather prosperous. It had a peaceful existance and was powerful in many ways. However, when division came along, unhappy with the goverment (which imposes the aspects of community, privaleges, common interests, etc.), war broke out. When the dust settled, France was in ruins. Rome and its empire were little different. Hannibal was ousted, enemies were crushed, why, even their military formations were firm. They were this way because of unity and honor with respect towards one another. Invincibility was the result. But after division in the senate, bad rulers with pyrotechnic tendencies (Emperor Nero, lol) and division in the people caused major results. Let us hope BZP will not have the same fate.


In all of these showcases little respect for the goverment and others caused a lot of blood and little results exept for more destruction. So, as seem from this example, communion is infinitely imporatant to the welfare of any group, whether it be a tree-house club to a massive online forum like BZP.


RPGs have had to be closed or come close to it simply because the players did not have unison. The results were decimating. All groups have unlimited potential when it starts, like your proto bar. It startes at the centerand, depending on your actions, it iether increases or decreases. Your doings affect the outcome. If it droops down, you know you made a bad choice. If it springs up, you know it was a good choice. Reflect this on your respect and friendships. Is it getting better or worse? Reflect it on a larger thing: BZP or another forum site. Is it doing good or bad?



Fourth Iteration: Respect and its results in communities


Rspect one another and communicate actively. Good connections (not mob "connections," lol) with others will bring about a positive spin on things.


My dad was once a l;anmdlord over a trailer park. He was responsible for keeping its residents in line and collecting the rent. He did not ask for swervitude, he did not have a "pay up or get out" attitude, but instead simply asked for communication and compliance. "Late rent? Call me. We can settle this," that was one of his mottos. That was a wise philosophy, and many others in the park complied to the fullest extent. He was loved by the residents because of this, and they loved how he was reachable, reasonable and prudent. Note that all he asked was communication, and that worked marvelously.


Using this scenario, one can see what wonders communication can do.





In fine` I fould just like to say that this in-depth entry was intended to allow you, the reader, to understand the reasons why communion is very important to any community, whether it be a friendship or an empire. This is not limited to BZPower in any way, but rather to increase knowlege and wisdom above and beyond. I may or may not refine this entry in the fute, possibly with more information, depending on the needs thereof.


Thank you for taking the time to read this enmtry, and I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed making it. Critique as neccesary. :)




Random comment: Do you feel supercalifragilisticexpialidosious? :P





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I haven't dug this up for a while -- but the occasion warrants it, so why not:




And wow, I didn't realize I was in Star Wars. :P

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Since I already awarded this the one that doesn't fit in sidebars, might as well do this. :)




But you should post more entries like this man! :P

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LOL, that seems like more of a suitable size. And yes, FYI I am currently typing another respectism essay of the philosophy in general and will be posting an ecological presentation shortly, as inj within a few days.


Thanks again!



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Excellent posting. And Omi, none of it was ever meant as serious, I was just playing along with the fun of the post. After things got out of hand with you, I began defending myself, rather than saying it was a joke. I apologize for this.


EW, once more you have made excellent sense :)

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*Remembers to post in entry*


Decent work.


I'd like to say to everyone, In my opinion, every member should read this entry, or one like it. You have no idea how much better my time on BZPower would have been a few years back had I read this. Really. Pay attention to what it says.






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Let it be known that I had every right to be defensive since you guys were instigating.


When I said "Tufi did it", it should have ended there but Necro had to bring it back on me and I didn't appreciate it regardless of it being a joke or not.


Whether you felt offended or not, doesn't matter to me. All that matters is you struck first.

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No offense, but thats a lot like a little kid saying his brother broke a vase. See, it doesn't really make much sense until you clarify how that Tufi managed to change your sig for you. ;)


I didn't strike. I joked along. Laugh at yourself Omi. You think I enjoy people making jokes about me as much as the other way around? Nope. But I still manage to enjoy them. In short: Get a sense of humor.


And chill, you seem insanely uptight. You would've fit in worse at Woodstock than an agent from the Matrix. :P

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I didn't strike. I joked along. Laugh at yourself Omi. You think I enjoy people making jokes about me as much as the other way around? Nope. But I still manage to enjoy them. In short: Get a sense of humor.

I have a sense of humor. It's just not yours.


And if you want me to stop being uptight, maybe making jokes about me should stop.



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This is being revived because of dissagreements I have seen between members, though the most recent one was with Necro vs Omicron. I urge all to read this, and relize the importance of union.





People, please just stop debating. Seriously. Notice how this is entry probably going to get closed because of an argument just like the last? If you two insist on arguing towards each other, please don't do it in an entry re-published to demote flame wars.


If I see any more arguing, I'm getting EW down here.






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Please read the following quote:

This is being revived because of dissagreements I have seen between members, though the most recent one was with Necro vs Omicron. I urge all to read this, and relize the importance of union.





People, please just stop debating. Seriously. Notice how this is entry probably going to get closed because of an argument just like the last? If you two insist on arguing towards each other, please don't do it in an entry re-published to demote flame wars.


If I see any more arguing, I'm getting EW down here.

Ah but you see, I am doing what the entry says:

Just what does a community do? Well, as the name would imply, we. as a community, commune. We commune by being together, by massing ourselves here, by communicating. Get it? A community is created as a way for others to commune with one another. As my big hunkin' book says,

I am just simply communicating with Necro through the use of posting.



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I agree with Omi on this one. As long as we both stay calm and don't go off on tangents, I'd say a heated, fun debate is actually good. :)


I have a sense of humor. It's just not yours.


Yes, but laughing at yourself is a vital skill to have. For example, George Bush. Look at all the jokes. Think he's happy about them? Nope. Think he gets angry like you do? Nope. A famous image of John Lennon is him holding a pin that says "To he** with the Beatles!". He actually seemed to get a kick out of it. Another Lennon point, their records were being burned in Mexico and part of America in the late 60's. Ya know what he said when it was brought up in an interview? "At least they have to buy them before they burn them."


And if you want me to stop being uptight, maybe making jokes about me should stop.


Once more, learn to laugh at yourself, it's a vital thing to have.

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*sigh...* Yes, Omi, you are communicating. However, an off-topic debate in my blog cannot be tolerated again. Please continue this debate (and any others like it) via PM, as you can fulfill every aspect of communication like that without turning this blog into a warzone.


Thank you.



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Wow, here we go again. this is what happens when a Moderator who thinks he's wise, and a member who thinks he wise, argue about something. :P


Next time you update your blog, don't put anything about Necro & Omi in it, Okie? all that does is attract attention.


I hope I made my point.


- DT

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I don't think I'm wise. I KNOW I'm wise. :P Joking. But in all seriousness, I have no idea, as I haven't ever taken any IQ tests.


Also, EW, it's the Websters 20th century dictionary, how do we know it's not the 1901 definition? :P

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