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Anniversary Bricks



So I got these bricks engraved earlier this year, see, and was going to use them as "extras" for the BZP DVD-ROM project (see an earlier blog entry). But unfortunately, that project got wrapped up in red tape, and doesn't look like it'll get off the ground anytime soon.


But I had the bricks left over.


Some I gave away at BrickFest to BZPower members. I still have most of them left, and I wanted to make sure they went to help BZP. The BrickFest auction and tee shirt sales did OK by us, but still, nowhere near as good as I'd've liked. This should net us a few hundred dollars more for hosting expenses. A few people have said they didn't find the brick worth $5 (plus another couple for shipping and handling), but at least 50 people have so far... a third of the bricks are sold.


This is really cool.


I'm glad people are buying them - not only to help out BZP, but because they're too cool not to get into circulation. I think we'll probably wrap up before August, which would be good - since the sooner we sell out, the sooner I can ship them.


Happy Birthday BZP!


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Yay for people buying bricks


By the way, care to share where you got those bricks engraved? That might be fun to do. :P

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Because the bricks are so awesome I'm giving you this, Bink.








I'd buy two. If I could only persaude my parents to allow me. >_> And I don't have Paypal...

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Man, I really wish I could order one. But I can't use Paypal for I don't have a credit card. I have a feeling they will probably be all sold out by tomorrow from how already 50 are sold already. :( I really wish there was another way to send the money in, so people like me can send the money in to get it. Oh, well. *sigh* ~JMJ-07
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Grrr... I just spent my free money on Kongu Inika...


I'm not giving up yet, I just hope there'll be some left when I'm ready.



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Yeah, really. I'd buy two of them, and I do have the money, and I do have PayPal, problem is, my parent's don't think that their worth $5 each, so they won't let me.

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I will get one if they don't disappear on me (which often happens with this kind of thing).



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