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Gahness, And Other Things

Crimson Jester


Boredom. Again. Though I doubt many will read this, I guess I'll blog anyways.


So today was a generally bad day. I got a call this morning saying my Great Grandmother died in her sleep last night. Then, later, I broke my foot.


Otherwise, not too much going on in Wetaskiwin. Some foreign exchange kid from Turkey is at my friends right now, so we were giving him The Grand Tour.


Uh, on the 25th, myself, the previously mentioned friend and BZP member Grey Jester are going to Capital Ex, a huge Fair up in Edmonton. Then that night we're going to see Wierd Al. (I'm so pumped for that)


Anyways, I guess that's all for now. I'm at home by myself for the weekend, so I'll be on pretty much 24/7. So feel free to leave a comment, PM me, or IM me on AIM/MSN about basically anything. Keeps me busy.




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I read it!


As I said earlier, I'm sorry about your loss. But like you said, she was ready, and that's at least better than death coming out of the blue. As for your foot, hope it gets better soon. Not sure what you did to it, but Kopaka don't deserve that.


Can't say I've had a similar experience, but it's nice of you guys to help him out and show him around.


Ah, Capital Ex, the subject of some of your previous bloggage. I'm guessing you'll have plenty of fun...and probably laughs if Weird Al is gonna be there.


Well, hope you feel better and I hope you have a good time amidst all your strife.

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Like I've said, I hope it gets easier for you. I'm sorry. :)


*grumbles, sighs*


I wish I lived up in Canada right now. Then I could stalk you, your friend, and AF around up in Edmonton without you ever noticing, and later blame the boogeyman when you tell us here in your blog about how your pizza mysteriously disappeared. :P


But really, I hope it's fun, and I hope your foot gets better quicker. :)

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