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So Nice To Be Back...for A Week. =3

Lady Kopaka


It's so nice to be writing an entry, brings fond memories back...that will only last for about a week? Nevertheless I'm happy for this bit. ^_^


I've been away from the computer almost all day, my friend came over today and we went over to one of the National Parks close by, to go scout of places to film a pirate movie that we plan to start filming around August, and of course we had fun just swimming around in the lake, its weird how the top of the water is warm, while the bottom is icy cold when you swim out a ways. Another thing was, my brother said I looked like some dead body in the water when he saw me underwater; I'm not really surprised as my bright golden-red hair stands out and my paper white skin, nearly scared myself to. :P


Oh yes! I finally got back into my Bionicle drawing mode, took me a few months, but so far what I've done recently has really pleased me....kind of. I still think I am really behind and all messy. ><


And here I am, impatiently waiting for Final Fantasy III to come in the mail, just a few more days...


Yeah, didn't you know? I got a DS a few days after my birthday (No, not as a present, I had to buy it myself). And I recently got into Final Fantasy, I really love the storylines so far, I think though, X is my favorite.


Yes, I bet there are a lot of things have been different since my last entry, so to fix that situation, I have decided you guys can ask up to 3 questions in the comment section, asking about what’s been up with me, or any random thing. I've seen other people do it and it looks fun, so ask away.

But now, excuse me as I go lurk around....

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Oh yes! I finally got back into my Bionicle drawing mode, took me a few months, but so far what I've done recently has really pleased me....kind of. I still think I am really behind and all messy. ><

Well, at least it's only that you think it's messy as apposed to it actually being messy. :P


Okay, for the questions:


1) Are you going to wear your Barbossa costume in the pirate movie?


2) Uhm... What's been up with you? :lol:


3) Will you take this thing off my hands now that it's in the public? :P



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